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Wireframe new UK games magazine, focus on development.

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    Wireframe new UK games magazine, focus on development.

    I mentioned this is the Games TM closure thread, but it probably deserves a thread of its own as Issue 1 has now hit the stands.

    Look at this cover..

    Highlights for me so far..

    Kim Justice's article about the history of British games development, anyone familiar with Kim Justice on YouTube will instantly know this article is well worth a look.

    Kate Craig, an environment artist from Fullbright Studios (Gone Home & Tacoma), writes about the tricks they use to make sure they ship on time and within budget, a little highlight as to why you don't see shoes in Gone Home's house is in there, ALSO she mentioned a great term for the "walking sim" genre, stroll-playing games, which I will now use for this genre forever now.

    People on twitter seem to be discussing the opening opinion piece from Jessica Price about critics and the games industry's lack of real criticism. I thought it was a great piece but of course no one really cares about what was said because it's Jessica Price and as soon as gamers hear that name they jump on a very specific bandwagon, one that should technically be on fire and have no wheels BUT on it rolls.

    There is a free PDF copy via the site if anyone wants to take a look, at the bottom.
    The latest in video games, powered by Wireframe magazine

    Also just before I go, when was the last time you saw this in a games magazine?

    I know I am opening myself up for someone to say, LAST WEEK, but it's been a while since I've seen copy code in a magazine.

    Since I don't read cover to cover, I've only read a few articles but I will finish before the next issue, which is out November 22nd.

    Issue 2 will feature.

    The Blackout Club (a FPS 4 player co-op horror from the director of Bioshock 2)
    RPG's: from tabletop to video game.
    The changing face of Mega-Man.
    FPS level design: getting started.
    Economics and match-making.

    Cheers for the heads up. Will see if they have it a n Sainsbury’s


      Might check it out. Also interesting that this is where Jessica Price has shown up after that whole brouhaha.


        No idea who Jessica Price is


          Originally posted by Brad View Post
          No idea who Jessica Price is
          She's the former Guild Wars 2 developer who was fired a while back following something that happened on Twitter.
          Last edited by Asura; 10-11-2018, 19:39.


            Let’s keep away from that topic here please


              Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
              Let’s keep away from that topic here please
              Genuinely shocked to see you're deleting posts and censoring forum members. Rather than letting things run their course and then, after the fact, perma-banning members who crossed the line.


                I've no idea who she is either but it was a great piece despite the awful opening line.


                  Originally posted by Sketcz View Post
                  Genuinely shocked to see you're deleting posts and censoring forum members. Rather than letting things run their course and then, after the fact, perma-banning members who crossed the line.
                  It’s getting like resetera here now


                    I find this magazines existence fascinating. I can imagine the areas the content can go into but... launch such a magazine... in this day and age... staggering.


                      Is it only possible to get the PDF version free now? I saw the print version whilst in WHSmith at the train station yesterday. I might pick it up next time I see it as its only the price of a pint.


                        Originally posted by Superman Falls View Post
                        I find this magazines existence fascinating. I can imagine the areas the content can go into but... launch such a magazine... in this day and age... staggering.
                        Yup. Don't expect it to last long, they just don't work financially unless they are absolutely huge.


                          Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                          Let’s keep away from that topic here please
                          Weird thing to censor just read up on it i wouldn't of if Asura post had been left as is, very confused?


                            Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
                            Weird thing to censor just read up on it i wouldn't of if Asura post had been left as is, very confused?
                            There seems to have been a bit of confusion here?

                            I self-edited the post because I didn't want risk taking the topic of the thread off on a tangent. I did that before anyone else posted.


                              Picked this up today and had a bit of a leaf through on the journey home. I like it! I hadn't realised that it was fortnightly until now, which seems like a tall order in terms of producing the thing; it'll be interesting to see how it maintains this level of quality just as much as how well it does. I would agree though, rather sadly, by nature alone it must be a passion project for those involved rather than guaranteed cash in the bank. I will try and do my bit to pick up the next one, at the very least.

                              As some feedback: I enjoyed the Jessica Price intro piece, but then I also found it a strange tone to set given when I got later into it to find their own set of reviews using the exact same template review format that it had belittled. I'd have gladly forsaken all of the reviews for the kind of criticism it talked of, or even just for more other interesting insider chatter.

