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The PS3 Thread

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    The PS3 Thread

    Just looking at my downloads on PSN today, and I see that my "Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max" for PSP is labeled as being playable on PSP, PSVita and PS3.

    Can the PS3 play PSP games now? When did that happen?!

    It's just very poor wording from Sony. You can download to PS3 but it won't run, it's just so you can connect a PSP and transfer the file


      Originally posted by Superman Falls View Post
      It's just very poor wording from Sony. You can download to PS3 but it won't run, it's just so you can connect a PSP and transfer the file
      That's annoying.

      On a related note, the PS3 activation policy is really annoying. I did the "deactivate all" machines (because I had logins on about 7 PS3s, 3 PS4s and 4 PSP consoles) and now I'm left with 1 PS3 which is authorised for audio and video, and I don't know where it is. I think it might even be at my old workplace break-room, so I might just have to be OK with it. No-one can log into it I guess.

      I've been able to remotely de-authorise all of the machines for games but you need to be there to do movies and sound.


        Yeah, it's a bit of a mess of a system. I think I've got a couple of past systems still registered that I can't get delisted, Sony underestimates how much buying we all do


          Looking at PSN library reminded me that I need to get a Vita again. So many PSP/Vita gems I have. Personas!

