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Crap games you bought at launch

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    The star of the PS2 launch for me was SSX. It was quickly overshadowed by Tricky (which was obviously the game they had intended to make in the first place, but had run out of time for), but it was brilliant at the time.

    I also had Dynasty Warriors 2, which was OK, but it was a bit like fighting a war in the middle of Silent Hill.


      Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
      Yeah, some real "next-gen" feelings from those games. I remember playing CoD2 when the tank rolls over the top of the trench you're hiding in, or spotting landmarks in PGR3's photo mode ("That's where I saw The Reduced Shakespeare Company!").

      For me, because I was caning those two and PDZ, it was Condemened that sat on the shelf for yeeears.
      Finally played it and loved it!
      Yeah, it was a great launch the 360. I remember being blown away by the smoke in CoD.


        Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
        I thought all my launch PS2 games were pretty rubbish. I think one of them was Ring of Red but I just looked it up and it was pretty well reviewed. But maybe well reviewed because it was early and didn't have much to compare it to? Not sure but the quality of PS2 games really went up pretty quickly.
        The PS2's launch in the UK was a bit meh.

        As we've talked about here on Bordersdown before, I thought Ridge Racer V was bad, but now I've played the NTSC version, I can see that it was a perfectly good game (if a bit light on features/content) with a bad PAL conversion. Fantavision was really a tech demo which shouldn't have made it to market, and the less said about Driving Emotion Type-S the better...

        But Tekken Tag Tournament was among the set, and while I don't think it was as good as Soul Calibur over on Dreamcast, it was a fantastic game in its own right (and looked much better than the arcade original, like Calibur too).


          I really didn't get on with RRV at all and, for me, it's easily one of the dullest RR games. But yeah, the PAL conversion was terrible. Regardless, it was one I was hesitant to mention because I know a lot of people like it - I can't make the case that it was a bad launch game (PAL issues aside), just that I personally didn't like it.


            Originally posted by MarioMark View Post
            Shadow The Hedgehog even though I finished it

            Sonic 2006 - No words

            Project Cars - I went digital on this, what a pile of shizzle

            Sonic Spinball - I was gutted as a child!

            WWE Raw on OG Xbox

            Honorable Mentions:

            Star Fox Zero
            She.... 3
            Other than Knack I don't remember any of those games being launch games in any region?


              There's some enjoyable games in here! Killzone: Shadowfall was the big let down this gen though for sure, tried it twice more later on and it still sucked

              Last gen, PD Zero was weak as was Motorstorm


                Rise of the robots on the SNES .... it really was shocking


                  Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                  Other than Knack I don't remember any of those games being launch games in any region?
                  Wasn't Sonic 06 launch for PS3 in the UK? I'm sure I remember it being at TGS '06.


                    Sonic Adventure really was terrible but I had a lot of fun with it back in the day. It has only been remembered because it's Sonic, let's not pretend it's for any other reason.

                    SF EX 3 was one I absolutely hated. Really poor graphics and just bland gameplay.

                    Jet Set Radio Future was the only other launch game I bought that I didn't like. But it wasn't bad, it just didn't feel right.


                      Originally posted by Junko View Post
                      Rise of the robots on the SNES .... it really was shocking
                      **** game no doubt, but it came way after the SNES launch.


                        Originally posted by Asura View Post
                        Wasn't Sonic 06 launch for PS3 in the UK? I'm sure I remember it being at TGS '06.
                        I'm pretty sure it was one of those weird games where you could buy the Pal version months before the UK launch. And I don't ever remember the game being on the list of PS3 launch games for Pal on day one tbh.


                          I'm not sure any I bought at launch where crap really.
                          PS2 I got SSX and Timesplitters.
                          360 I got project Gotham and Oblivion.
                          PS3 I got motorstorm.
                          PSP I got ridge Racer and Metal Gear Acid... I didn't like acid but I can't say it was crap.
                          Never got PS4 at launch but the first game I played was shadow of mordor.


                            Originally posted by Digfox View Post
                            A few that spring to mind, although I've generally bought some very good games with hardware or haven't always purchased systems at launch:
                            • (same as above) Wave Race: Blue Storm (Gamecube) - not a bad game but devoid of character.
                            • Killzone: Shadowfall (PS4) - came with my launch PS4 although I choose the bundle in part for Shadowfall. Generic shooter was generically bland.
                            • G-Loc (Game Gear) - Traded my Game Boy in for the Game Gear very near launch and bought this as one of my games. Wasn't very good.
                            • Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz (Wii) - loved the Gamecube games (particularly the minigames) and this fell flat on every level in comparison.

                            There are also other games that don't quite fit the criteria of the OP; The 'pack in' tech demo (Total Eclipse, 3DO), Game that didn't port as well (Super Mario 64 DS) or games that I barely touched at launch even though they were classics (Zelda: Twilight Princess, Wii). EDIT: oh and Shadows of the Empire, N64 - was no where near as good as other launch games but I enjoyed it. At least enough to complete and replay certain levels.
                            I was so so disappointed with monkey Ball banana blitz. I absolutely adore the GameCube games. After those the Wii one felt like it was made by people who didn't understand what the GameCube ones were about.
                            I'm also gutted they've remastered that one instead of the the first 2 or deluxe


                              Originally posted by Ouenben View Post
                              I'm also gutted they've remastered that one instead of the the first 2 or deluxe
                              Shame, I didn't know that.


                                Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                                Sonic Adventure really was terrible but I had a lot of fun with it back in the day. It has only been remembered because it's Sonic, let's not pretend it's for any other reason.
                                I remember enjoying it quite a lot at the time. I completed everything, even the fishing levels! It has aged so badly though. I tried playing it a couple of years ago and was really surprised how bad it was! It's bizarre it still ends up so high in "Top Dreamcast games" lists. I can only assume they're entirely based on nostalgia because there are lots of games that have held up much better.

