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What You've Been Playing This Week

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    Resident Evil Village. It's great. The environmental art is simply stunning, and I'm really enjoying the greater variety of enemies than were on show in Resi 7 as well as the slightly camp Hammer House of Horror vibe. Lady D is dead-o, now onward to the Dollhouse.


      Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
      You've seen some of my snaps in the Elden Ring thread as I'm trying to drink in the visuals at times, which are so gorgeous.
      I'd say this is prettier than the Souls games, just a little less grotty, generally.
      A few times I've been stopped in my tracks at just what a pretty world they've created.

      I've been thinking about replaying Fallout 4 as I had so much fun the first time, but I'd probably get absorbed with making a superbase!
      I've been tempted by Fallout Online, but I'm always suspicious that the primary aim is to make money, not create an interactive experience.
      It's actually not very insidious. There is a store, of course, but you can completely avoid it. And I don't feel like the game is holding you back from leveling, weapons and stuff either. It's not bad.
      The community is really helpful too. I get free **** from people all day.


        Bought some JPSN store credit and downloaded ACA NeoGeo Baseball Stars 2. It came out 30 years ago and still plays amazingly. I’d say it’s never been bettered in all honesty. Plus I’ve been getting back into Destiny 2.


          Inspired by QC's exploits, I've been dipping into Elden Ring again, because I'm not even halfway through I reckon. Cleaned up various bosses and bits already, so might press on with the main game now.

          Played a lot of the Street Fighter 6 beta over the weekend too. Really looking forward to this coming out- roll on June.

          Also done quite a bit of local multiplayer on Streets of Rage 4 with the kids. Great fun and they've loved it.

          And nearly finished Unpacking too, which I've been dipping in and out of late at night knackered after working late. Mellow, relaxing and weirdly compulsive.

          Looking forward to a bit of downtime over Christmas so I can really get stuck into some things I've missed or not played enough of.


            I'm feeling inspired by all the Elden Ring action too but after the brutality of The Callisto Protocol I've chosen a gentler path in the run up to Christmas. Nothing feels festive like Nintendo and I dipped back into Pikmin 3 last night. Still such a joy. I wish they'd re-release the GameCube games.


              I finished Call of Cthulhu. Overall, I really liked it. I don’t think it’s quite as good as it feels it could have been but it does deliver. It’s a little crazy, quite dark in places and the investigation system works. It keeps things moving throughout and builds pretty well. Not a top tier game but still good.

              Then I started Rise of the Tomb Raider or something like that. Not 100% sure that’s the title. The opening really frustrated me because it wouldn’t let me finish a move without cutting to a cut scene. I hope that changes soon because it really got in the way in that first sequence and then carried on into the next part too. Just let me play the game, damn you!


                AC as usual, and a bit of Smash. Have another pair of fighters in my sights during the current sale so we'll see about those.

                Originally posted by Atticus View Post
                I'm feeling inspired by all the Elden Ring action too but after the brutality of The Callisto Protocol I've chosen a gentler path in the run up to Christmas. Nothing feels festive like Nintendo and I dipped back into Pikmin 3 last night. Still such a joy. I wish they'd re-release the GameCube games.
                Re-re-release? They were on the Wii as well.


                  Originally posted by kryss View Post
                  AC as usual, and a bit of Smash. Have another pair of fighters in my sights during the current sale so we'll see about those.

                  Re-re-release? They were on the Wii as well.
                  Yeah, but 2 is pricey. And I rarely have the Wii U set up. I want it all my way


                    Oh I'd be happy to have them all on Switch as well, don't worry!
                    2 is still available digitally for the WiiU no?


                      Contrast and Halo 3 atm


                        Completed Pikmin 3 yesterday. What a great holiday game.


                          I have had Project High Rise: Architect Edition on the Switch for about 5 years now and only now decided to break it open for a spin and it is quite addictive, in a manic sort of way. It probably plays better on a computer with a mouse, but it’s been fun putting it on for a quick blast in between the Christmas / New Years duties… it’s incredible how much time passes when playing the game as you get bogged down with laying all the ground work before actually furnishing the space with tenants etc…

                          I’m flirting between Project High Rise and TMNT Cowabunga Collection for my nostalgic fix.

                          Of course come the new years the PS+ ‘free’ games for January look very good again, so will probably be sinking into them for a bit.



                            Still playing Rise of the Tomb Raider. It’s okay. It’s very well reviewed but I don’t know if it’s the game I really want. The tombs seem to be tiny small side quests. Most of the game so far is so absolutely generic - Russian bases, enemy soldiers, oh use stealth!, craft stuff. It’s like a billion other games that already existed long before this one. And it’s all well done but I could have played any of those billion other games. Where’s my tomb raiding?


                              The 'nu Raider' franchise is kind of a guilty pleasure for me. They are corny, generic and uninspired but easy and fun to romp through.


                                Chaos - The Battle of Wizards on the ZX Spectrum

                                An absolutely classic from the 8-bit days, still every bit as playable today as it was back in 1985. Most Speccy games work well emulated, but this is one that I still quite often play, so time to share the joy.

                                It's a strategy turn-based game where you cast spells and battle other wizards with your summoned creatures, shadow woods, and lightning bolts. The game is won when you're the last wizard standing. Gollop went on to do greater things with Laser Squad and XCOM, but this remains one of my favs.

                                It's fantastic and I can only give this the highest recommendation of 10 disbelieves out of 10.
                                Last edited by MartyG; 02-01-2023, 22:11.

