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What You've Been Playing This Week

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    Monster Hunter Rise on Xbox. Wife started playing it on the series X and it occurred to me that we could coop with my series S.

    The game itself is not my cup of tea - so much to juggle and keep track of - so we’re just messing around with quests, but having a LAN party in the living room with the consoles hooked up to our TV and a monitor was bloody good fun!


      Still playing through Metroid Prime, taking my time to slowly figure things out for myself rather than just following a guide. I got the boost ball recently and was amused by that prompting hints talking about the location of half-pipes. What is this, Samus Aran's Pro Skater?


        In 2002 no game was complete without the inclusion of a radical extreme sports mechanic.


          Popped onto Elden Ring, but not been able to get the playroom with the PS4 to myself for a few days.
          I got the Godskin Duo, who beat me on my first attempt, but they're gonna get theirs, man.

          They look terrifying!

          This is a deepfake, btw.

          My son has just worked his way through Portal 2 and I just love that he played it.
          It's an amazing game, pretty tricky at times (only asked for help twice) and a sign he's ready for some other games like it.
          We started the co-op campaign and it was brilliant. Fave moment so far was sussing out that one of us had to launch across the map to catch a falling cube.


            I’m around 90 stages in to EDF 6. There have been some truly epic battles, but Christ knows what’s going on with the story stuff they’ve put in seeing as it’s all in Japanese.


              Originally posted by Colin View Post
              I’m around 90 stages in to EDF 6. There have been some truly epic battles, but Christ knows what’s going on with the story stuff they’ve put in seeing as it’s all in Japanese.
              Bloody hell, you're motoring through it! I was playing solo and hit a roadblock of a mission about 50 or so in. The smart thing to do would've been to find someone online to carry me, but instead I kinda bounced off.


                Honestly, I think this is the hardest EDF I’ve ever played. The feeling of insurmountable odds on levels 99 and 102 was just absolutely insane. Even stepping down to easy it was an absolute nightmare surviving 102!


                  Originally posted by Colin View Post
                  Honestly, I think this is the hardest EDF I’ve ever played. The feeling of insurmountable odds on levels 99 and 102 was just absolutely insane. Even stepping down to easy it was an absolute nightmare surviving 102!
                  You playing offline or online co-op?

                  There's difficulty scaling with the number of players, but sometimes having several players with concentrated firepower or splitting up to flank the enemy makes all the difference.

                  I can understand if getting a game online would be tricky with a JP-only game!

                  Still no news on a Western release, dammit!

                  We played a bit more co-op Portal 2.
                  It's brilliant when you suss out how to solve a puzzle, making you feel both genius for solving it and simpleton for not solving it earlier!

                  Doesn't help that my BOne pad has drift and numerous times I ended up creeping over the edge of a platform to my acidic death whilst trying to figure a puzzle out. :/


                    Offline mate, I don’t do online.


                      Then I'm honoured that we played an EDF together online at some point. 4.5 maybe?


                        Been smashing BF 2042, this game is so frustrating but when you get a decent map (the new ones, though getting around the cliff one in Canada can be a right pain in the jacksie) and a full house it can also be awesome fun. There are still massive issues which I won't rehash but should DICE attempt another one hopefully they'll take the good bits from this and completely scrap the bad bits (esp operators/characters, damn those little voice overs and gestures are so bloody cringey)


                          Akka Arrh. Still. Enjoyed my perch at the top of the leaderboard for about a week until some upstart knocked me off. Also, Drainus. It's real fun. A shmup I actually enjoy, bearing in mind I'm terrible at them. I appreciate, though, that this game is slightly disdained by hardcore shmuppers as way too easy.

                          Finished Drainus - you need two playthroughs (the 2nd harder than the 1st) to get the full ending. I'm never going to be a shmup devotee (I prefer to watch skilled players them rather than play them myself), but this was pretty great - the absorb mechanic was a godsend for the likes of me; although, after two run-throughs, you could see exactly where they were repeating boss patterns.
                          Last edited by Golgo; 25-04-2023, 09:07.


                            Smashed through Watchdogs 2 over the past week or 2. I enjoyed it once I got the hang of how to play it properly. I didn't like the fact that it was easier to run and gun and blow **** up, I found it very difficult to play without killing anyone. I did enjoy the first one more, perhaps because some of the gameplay was unique at the time Marcus was a cool main character though I liked he was eternally optimistic. Some of the online was annoying but I mostly ignored it when peeps where in my world as there was not any bad consequences.

                            I also started Tails of Iron a 2D RPG which I am really enjoying. Not anywhere near as good as Hollow Knight but it has me hooked nonetheless. Some of the bosses are super hard I've had to git gud quite a bit. One of them, Ratnor Rodentson I've had to come back to as he was kicking my butt too hard


                              Finished Tails of Iron last night what a nice little game. So glad it was on PS Plus, I will wait and see what this dev shop does next.


                                Might check that out, thanks FG.

