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    importaku, Mad Skillz. Rainbow Islands is pretty tough from my experience.


      Finished Robocop last week, nostalgic and as cheesy as the original movie - loved it.
      This week I`ve started a new game plus on Horizon Zero Dawn to refresh myself as I wait for the sequel. Finally got a 5m HDMI cable that does 120hz and HDR :-)

      Flying to Washington for a couple of days so Red Dead will be keeping me company on the flights.


        Originally posted by egparadigm View Post
        importaku, Mad Skillz. Rainbow Islands is pretty tough from my experience.
        Thanks, been playing it 36 years ever since i was 11 years old. The ultimate run also includes getting all the diamonds in order on every island but that is extremely hard for me a lot will rely on luck trying to do that as well. Most of the islands are not too bad but ones like darius island is really unfair as there's enemies with homing bullets so if you don't know where they are it's hard to anticipate. There is a very set route you need to take through the stages to make sure you don't get taken out as if you lose your powerups before or during a boss it can kill a entire run as there's no way to easily take them down using just single rainbows.

        An amazing game, love how no matter how long you play you never know what powerups will spawn as a lot are only triggered to drop when certain criteria are met like lives lost or credits inserted. Always keeps things fun as it means you never know whats gonna turn up.


          Originally posted by huxley View Post
          Finished Robocop last week, nostalgic and as cheesy as the original movie - loved it.
          This week I`ve started a new game plus on Horizon Zero Dawn to refresh myself as I wait for the sequel. Finally got a 5m HDMI cable that does 120hz and HDR :-)

          Flying to Washington for a couple of days so Red Dead will be keeping me company on the flights.
          How is the Switch version? Or are you playing on Steamdeck?


            Originally posted by kryss View Post

            How is the Switch version? Or are you playing on Steamdeck?
            My bad. Switch version. I Only booted it up once To check it installed, but it looks pretty good.
            We will report back with a more detailed opinion on, once I have played more.

            how are you?


              Mainly Monster Hunter Rise on Steam Deck (Desktop mode).

              Also, picked up Enshrouded (PC) and Tekken 8 (PS5). Enshrouded struggles somewhat on my Steam Deck, but running in performance mode etc, I can hit a slightly wobbly, but very playable 30FPS. I am enjoying it so far. Has Valheim/Dark Souls vibes.

              On Tekken 8, I've sunk some time into the Arcade Quest. It's actually helping me try and get a better understanding of the game. Looks amazing too.


                FFVII Crisis Core: Reunion - this is very cool. Though I am starting to suspect there are too many missions. The problem is, it is sucking me into the whole power up meta game. GG game designers GG.


                  I played through a game called Tell Me Why. It's a game that I have no recollection of getting but it was in my Steam library so I gave it a go. It's from Dontnod, who made Life is Strange and it plays in a very similar way. It could almost be a Life is Strange game and, like those games, it has its own gimmick. In this one, it's that you play as twins and they can communication telepathically. Basically the game is about twins reuniting after ten years, after experiencing a trauma involving their mother and they're sort of figuring out what really happened.

                  The game is a real mixed bag. The characters are generally great, the dialogue good and story elements interesting, albeit mostly pretty small (which I kind of liked). The location is absolutely gorgeous, being set in some small Alaskan town. But it has puzzle elements that, for me, were awfully dull, mostly involving trawling through a book to find clues that was way too long and was just nonsense. And the story, while interesting, reveals itself early enough that I didn't feel there were many big reveals or important choices. I was left with a bit of an "is that it?" feeling at the end. Still, it's not bad.

                  I went retro after that and played Cosmic Spacehead. I've never played it before and it's an interesting mix of point and click adventure and platformer, not being great at either but working well as an overall experience.

                  And once I finished that, I moved onto Hardspace:Shipbreaker. You play an astronaut who has to take apart decommissioned ships and strip them for parts. You can play with a time limit but I have gone without, meaning it's a very chilled experience. I'm not very far into it but so far I'm really enjoying it.


                    Originally posted by huxley View Post
                    My bad. Switch version. I Only booted it up once To check it installed, but it looks pretty good.
                    We will report back with a more detailed opinion on, once I have played more.

                    how are you?
                    Good, tired, miss you bro! It's been too long.


                      Finished Chants of Sennaar, which was excellent - really bold visual style, interesting ideas, and puzzles pitched at just the right level.

                      Then started The Talos Principle 2, which seems to enjoy toying with people coming to it off the back of the first game, before then getting into the game proper and showing you how much they've ramped everything up. It feels like it is going to be a well considered, thoughtful sequel that does plenty of new things to break up the constant slog of puzzle after puzzle after puzzle, while also still delivering lots of very good puzzles. Bit of a looker, too.

                      Also started Another Code: Recollection, which I'm liking, but also finding quite slow-paced. Will probably go do a first play about this in a bit and ramble in more detail.

                      This weekend though mostly involved trying out Tekken 8. As a package it has some good inclusions, but the introductory single player stuff isn't quite what I'd hoped - the story mode is utterly daft, and 'arcade quest' feels like the kneejerk response to SF6's World Tour, that is more like VF5's quest mode, but is nowhere near as comprehensive (or as good) as either. In terms of the training mode options, things get a bit better, but the game in general feels to encourage really aggressive play in a way that feels flashy but not as thoughtful as I'd like.


                        Picked up Shinorubi on the Series X last night. Modern bullet hell at 4K 120fps. About time. Very much in the Cave mold clearly made by people that love the genre. And more pink than the Barbie movie! Only tried the standard and pink pig modes so far. I think pink pig may have been more fun with its rescue pigs mechanic inspired by Dangun Feveron.


                          Finished Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name - Pretty standard entry, won't lie, I wouldn't mind if all of the games were 5 Chapters long


                            Been playing a mix of Tekken 8, Diablo IV and Advance Wars Re-boot Camp.

                            Tekken 8 is the first Tekken game I’ve bought since the PS2 era. Enjoying some of the single player content, getting used to the systems again. Don’t have a PS5 stick currently but Tekken was always pretty good with a pad.

                            I’m playing Diablo IV as a Necromancer this time and it’s a huge amount of fun … raising an army of the dead to help dish out the beat-downs.

                            And my handheld time all belongs to Advance Wars. The Switch version is perfect for the system. I’ll probably start getting my ass kicked soon but soldiering away on std diff.


                              Uncharted (PS4)
                              This is one of those series that I've never actually played, despite owning a couple.
                              I'm playing the remastered version that PlayStation gave away as part of the PS+ welcome bundle and started on the first game.

                              It took me a while to realise this is a PS3-era game, so it's a bit clunky.
                              I thought it would be like Tomb Raider, but it's more like a cover-shooter (Gears of War, maybe?) with a soupçon of puzzle platforming.
                              I couldn't get over how many people you slaughter. The final tally was 600. I killed 600 people. That's the total population of the town of Winchelsea!

                              I quite liked how it pops up little tallies of how you're ranking against your friends and I started a friendly rivalry with teddymeow !
                              I've got the most headshots of my friends now (380) apart from NoelEdwards who has a quite simply psychopathic 807.

                              Lovely little game but will try something else before Uncharted 2.

                              I started Arkham Asylum (PS4) last night and it's still fab.
                              I first played this when a BD Secret Santa got it for me on the 360.
                              All these years later, I remember your generosity!


                                Nathan has unfortunately committed mass genocide on an epic scale.

