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Shenmue IV

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    Ohhh that looks so much fun. 'PC only, Mac at a later date'.

    Legit considering installing a Windows virtual machine just to play this...


      looks better than 3, got it on the download.





          That looks so good.


            Highlights just how much Suzuki wasted Shenmue III considering the money behind that, at this point I think Shenmue IV is resolutely off the table


              I know, it's so annoying


                I know that's probably running on a PC but it looks just like a Dreamcast game. Fingers crossed it can also run on Dreamcast.


                  Love 1 and 2, never played 3. Should I?


                    Yeah, I can't even work out what's going on here.
                    Is this a mod made by someone in the Shenmue III engine?

                    What was the score with III in the end, I've got memories possibly mixing with other crowdfunding, but I thought he asked for funding several times, on different platforms with some overpriced tat (a jacket?) but he finally got the game made, but it was only half a game with a "to be continued" ending?

                    Are my memories painting an unfair picture?
                    I don't think I've heard a single person mention this game beyond the release month!


                      Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                      What was the score with III in the end, I've got memories possibly mixing with other crowdfunding, but I thought he asked for funding several times, on different platforms with some overpriced tat (a jacket?) but he finally got the game made, but it was only half a game with a "to be continued" ending?
                      Probably unfair to call it half a game. It was plenty of game. But the story kind of went nowhere and, yes, it didn't finish. It was a sort of chapter ending.

                      But to answer this...

                      Originally posted by Brad View Post
                      Love 1 and 2, never played 3. Should I?
                      In all honesty, it's hard to recommend. I actually loved a lot of it and the first half of the game really pulled me in. It's janky and feels kind of cheap with lots to criticise but the atmosphere and characters drew me in. The real problems, for me, become evident in the second half when it switches location but feels so full of padding, with little fetch quests that feel identical to the stuff that we do in the first half of the game and yet the character relationship that started to build in the first half really stalls in the second. And so it becomes more and more of a chore until it just ends.

                      I don't regret playing it and, as I say, I actually did love a lot of it but I'd struggle to really recommend it.


                        Originally posted by Brad View Post
                        Love 1 and 2, never played 3. Should I?
                        The first two games are classics. I played both twice! I've murdered the Dreamcast betas and demos. I love the first 2 games. The third one is not a patch on the Dreamcast originals.
                        The main issue is the annoying fetch quests, ****ty pointless tasks only there to pad out a very shallow game and lack of areas to explore.
                        The controls feel off too and the framerate was horrible, much worse than the Dreamcast games. Then again, I was playing on a stock PS4, not a pro.
                        The Game only really picks up in the very last act but by that point it's over.


                          That vid looks more authentically Dreamcasty than pt 3. I only ever played the first one though, so I'm no authority on the series.


                            I'm a massive fan of Shenmue 1 and 2. I've played the two together through about three times I think (always on the DC!). They're two of my absolute favourite games of all time.

                            I'm ashamed to say I never finished 3 - take from that what you will. I do intend to get back to it and get through it at some point, but to say it lacked the majesty of those first two entries would be an understatement.

                            Atticus, you should definitely play the second game. It's so good.


                              Originally posted by wakka View Post
                              Atticus, you should definitely play the second game. It's so good.
                              I'd like to play 1+2 together sometime but I fear the remasters might lack some of the magic. Might be totally wrong though. They're only a few quid so I might grab them at some point.


                                I haven't played the remasters but to be fair they look pretty faithful. Maybe someone who has can advise though.

                                Such good games. Maybe replay the first later this year cos it's quite Christmassy

