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Playstation 5: Thread 02

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    Originally posted by hudson View Post
    They're probably covering their arses.
    Yeah, it'll be a legal thing due to "The Class Action States of America".


      Originally posted by hudson View Post
      They're probably covering their arses.
      Yeah, it'll be a legal thing due to "The Class Action States of America".


        Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
        Let's not pretend the seriesX isn't huge though.
        It would be if it's best mate wasn't chonky chonk ... Together they're like the fat slags from Viz.


          Where has all this recent Viz love come from?


            Originally posted by bcass View Post
            That's not the problem. The elephant in the room is this bit from their official BC page:

            "some PS4 games may exhibit errors or unexpected behavior when played on PS5 consoles"
            I'm sure MS will have a similar disclaimer somewhere. No one can claim everything works 100% of the time.


              Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
              I'm sure MS will have a similar disclaimer somewhere. No one can claim everything works 100% of the time.
              Yeah there's a handful of titles that can't be put into BC for a myriad of reasons... It's not surprising.

              With Sony their disclaimer reads like a nice little piece of ass coverage as no doubt they've not been able to fully test every individual title of 4000 strong backlog


                Originally posted by bcass View Post
                That's not the problem. The elephant in the room is this bit from their official BC page:

                "some PS4 games may exhibit errors or unexpected behavior when played on PS5 consoles"
                I prefer this to MS’ approach on the 360, where I could only play the games that MS had approved. For example, Jet Set Radio Future wasn’t approved so it wouldn’t boot. However, I could play it on the JSRF/Sega GT double-pack by first booting Sega GT(approved), then going back to the disc’s game select screen and choosing JSRF.

                There will also be games that can’t be approved due to licensing issues but will play absolutely fine.


                  I'm no fan of Microsoft. As far as I'm concerned they have nothing, and I have no interest in any of their first party output. However, the only reason I would buy their console would be its rich BC features. Their stance on BC, the amount of time and effort they have invested into it (and most likely will continue to do so), and the quality of it, especially the enhanced element of it on newer systems (60fps with higher resolutions), is unparalleled in the industry. No company has ever put anywhere near that much effort into BC. The only reason Sony have it on the PS5 is because of the similarities of hardware architecture between the new console and the previous one.


                    As a base PS4 owner, I'm looking forward to playing some of my back catalogue in boost/pro mode. Games like Death Stranding and Horizon Zero Dawn. Both games I've only scratched the surface on. Oh and Monster Hunter World.


                      Yeah on both platforms there's titles that were obviously pushing the limits so it's great to see backward compatibility, and specifically boosted frame rates coming to the new consoles.


                        Originally posted by hudson View Post
                        As a base PS4 owner, I'm looking forward to playing some of my back catalogue in boost/pro mode. Games like Death Stranding and Horizon Zero Dawn. Both games I've only scratched the surface on. Oh and Monster Hunter World.
                        I'm in the same camp here. FFXIV and MHW could very likely have brand new leases of life for me, which is a pretty huge deal.


                          This is what the finished PS5 console should have looked like.

                          All the vents and that. That silver tray so you can easily carry your console to your mate's house. That hole. That's the game hole. You drop all your games down the hole. Unlimited storage down the hole. Not sure if games can physically retrieved once drop down the game hole though.

                          Slow news day


                            Doesn't even have tactile indicators over the ports on the back, what a piece of : poo :


                              In theory, thanks to modern gaming, it should be possible to get an idea of what other games will have performance issues by looking at the PC versions. Presumably MS will have a disclaimer somewhere claiming the same because it will have the same issues where a games design gets in the way of the systems attempts to boost performance. Presumably it will mostly affect the few games designed to run at 30fps but were uncapped because the makers didn't feel it was an issue for the host system. Like on PC where you can make Split/Second or LA Noire run at 60fps but it breaks them.


                                Some food for thought: the PS5 has high speed USBs capped at 10gb/s over SeriesX 5gb/s. This will probably mean fast charging controllers. Also, if you connect up a good nvme SSD with ps4 games on it, you'll see some pretty fast load speeds. Not as fast as the internal ssd, but not bad I would imagine.

