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Playstation 5: Thread 03

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    That was a pretty strong showing from Sony. I might not like everything that was there, but its got most people covered I think.
    Just missing dates, it feels like some of that is 2023!


      Yep, it felt like a willy waving showcase. Them basically lining their ducks up for 2022 and 2023 to ensure the current peak levels of interest are maintained throughout the supply issues. The boldness of effectively side stepping things like Horizon II and having these big reveals.

      Not sure what that Sony Bend Men in Black thing was all about now but as they're still AWOL there's time. Insomniac has to be one of the biggest slam dunk studio buyouts ever conducted.


        I think the stand out for me was Ragnarok. More of the same for sure but given it's predecessor that's allowed.

        I thought GT7 looked nice until things got moving. I'll have to re-watch in 4K but really I feel much like Forza we've reached such a high level with racing games it's hard to do more... It's nice and shiny, as it should be.

        Forspoken. I liked it right up until the protagonist opened her mouth. Thought the lead sounded awful and a bit heavy handed teenie cool... The world looks great but I can't get excited about it.

        Spidey... Meh. I'm not much of a Spidey fan, so not my game really. Be interesting to see what they do with Venom though.

        I see KOTOR is a timed exclusive and GTAV, well it needs to die...


          Knowing Insomniac Wolverine will be out next year with Spiderman the following.

          Let's never mention GTA5. It looks EXACTLY the same.


            Ooooof, Sony have really got their line up strategy ducks in a row from launch and going forward, its a great time to be a gamer.

            GTA5 looked laughably the same in what has to be the biggest emperors new clothes i can remember.


              Insomniac and Sony confirm that their Spider-Man games exist within the same universe as their Wolverine game


                Dayum, that show was hype!

                Project EVE, Forspoken, Ghostwire Tokyo and GT7 looked ace.


                  Lets not forget Knights of the old Republic. I know its going to be miles off release to get it done properly but I genuinely squealed with excitement.


                    Originally posted by nonny View Post
                    Forspoken. I liked it right up until the protagonist opened her mouth. Thought the lead sounded awful and a bit heavy handed teenie cool... The world looks great but I can't get excited about it.
                    felt exactly the same, absolute cringe writing by more 40+ dev's like life is strange. Everything at least looked nextgen but those faces and the facial animation are terrible.


                      Grand Theft Auto V: Lens Flare Edition


                        Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post

                        Grand Theft Auto V: Lens Flare Edition
                        That's ****e!
                        They've done nothing to it!


                          Some Cracking looking stuff Project Eve game just came out of nowhere, looks pretty far along in development too, they showed loads of game play boss fights standard game-play and quiet a bit of story. Ghostwire Tokyo looks brilliant as dose God of War, some real bangers coming in 2022, i will quite happily skip rainbow six and that vampire game though.

                          Wolverine and Spider-man 2 where pretty much nothing more than teasers but will be interesting to see what they are like, 2 years from now, Forspoken looked pretty fun i could really get stuck into that world as it looked pretty epic.

                          rainbow 6 and that multiplayer vampire game looked really underwhelming and Tiny Tinas wonderland looks like it has potential to be a nice single player distraction for a few days.
                          Last edited by Lebowski; 10-09-2021, 07:48.


                            The level of laziness on gta5 next gen is staggering. Its not even the pc version with all bells and whistles @ 60fps. I can’t see any difference there at all, even the frame rate looked 30fps and under.



                              The Vampire game has turned out to be worth a dabble with, I wasn't bothered with it much but it turns out it's a free to play Battle Royale title so no harm no foul trying that one out


                                Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                                The level of laziness on gta5 next gen is staggering. Its not even the pc version with all bells and whistles @ 60fps. I can’t see any difference there at all, even the frame rate looked 30fps and under.

                                Ok digital foundry calm down

                                To be serious though at this point who cares its GT5 its the same lazy regurgitated **** Rockstar have been pedaling for the last 10 years, a game thats spanned 3 console generations now, i really don't get how they are still able to sell it over and over and people still buy it are their people out their with it on PS3 PS4 and now PS5.
                                Last edited by Lebowski; 10-09-2021, 08:43.

