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Brink Cascade: Bordersdown Game - Ending 28: The True Ending

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    Ending 27:
    You chose to stay in this world and to try to save it, setting you on the path for the true ending. Charles rolls the Fez off his head and down his arm until he holds it between both hands, held back as light grows from inside the hat. "Hadooooo---ken!" as he thrusts the Fez forward and a blast of light shoots out creating a white portal.

    Charles Dad Joke 17:
    "I'd tell you which way to go but Kryss once told me I have no sense of direction... I told him 'where did that come from?'"

    You step through and immediately are hit by cold. The portal closes and you find yourself in the void of space, the tear before you. Your body slowly spins as the absence of oxygen hits you and the view of the planet spins into view. Ships zip by you as you freeze and then suddenly you are engulfed in blue light and a rush of heat warms you up again. You're pulled into the cockpit of one of the ships and air rushes into your lungs. As you recover the figure in the front seat speaks and reveals himself as Fox McCloud, leading a wave of Arwings against the tear and enemy ships. The Arwing thrusts forward and blasts its way through multiple enemies in a firework display of explosions. He passes you a silver box, "put on this Clank unit, it's set up with a nuclear fusion explosive which will hopefully close the tear if you throw it in there, you'll need the code first though". You try to explain that you don't have a code but he ejects you back into space. Now protected by a suit the Clank unit provides the metal box begins to move, "Hello, I am Clank, a robotic sentry unit here to help you on this mission. You will need to enter your code to arm me correctly".

    You glance between the bot and the tear, you don't know what to do but are running out of time. You run your finger tips across the panel of digit buttons on Clanks chest, "Oo, hoo. hoo, that tickles" he responds. Two figures enter your mind:

    0305 - The number of times you've met Charles on this route with the number of times you've met familiar faces
    1020 - Two familiar numbers together...

    You enter 0305 and Clanks eyes turn red and he begins counting down from 10. You throw him as hard as you can and as the last numbers of the count end he barely makes it across the edge of the tear. You cover your eyes as the tear buckles and a deafening scream pierces the void of space. You try to look at the explosion as the tear ripples and begins to close up, bit by bit getting smaller and sealing itself up.

    But then it stops, the tear explodes open and a black fog emerges from within it. The Arwings move to engage it but are wiped out. You look at the planet and it looks smaller, you then realise the blast knocked you backward and as you float away into the dark depths of space you witness the devastation as the tears beings ravage the planet.

    A few hours later your lifeless body drifts continuously into the black, the scorched remains of the planet a distant circle against the endless night...


      Ending 28 - The True Ending
      You punched in the code 1020 instead - ten and twenty. Clank thanks you for entering the code and pushes himself away form you and toward the tear. Floating into the tears centre he explodes and it begins to collapse in on itself, the vacuum force it had been casting upon the planet below inverts and expels a forceful push instead. The force pushes you toward the atmosphere of the planet, hurtling you down as the tear convulses behind you.

      You brace, waiting for re-entry to burn you alive but before it can happen a golden star swoops by, you grab it with both hands and see two black eyes glancing back at you from its face. It carries you back into space and the tear finally closes. A new portal opens before you and through it you can see Charles you congratulates you and says he will send you home now.

      Charles Dad Joke 18:

      "You know, I once dreamt that I weighed less than a thousandth of a gram... I was like 0mg"

      Another portal opens for you to return home through:

      Charles Dad Joke 19:
      "I used to be indecisive... but now I'm not too sure"

      You push yourself off the star and drift through the portal. You open your eyes and you're sat at your computer with an open browser on display. Open in the browser is a long running videogame forum with a post listed discussing the anniversary of Bordersdown and NTSC-UK. Suddenly it all becomes clear, the meaning of ten and twenty, the events... all like a strange dream. You decide to get something to eat and drink, by the time you get back NI will have likely posted a new thread to check out.

      Cameo Appearances By:
      Charles, Brad, Rushy, Brats, MisterBubbles, JParry, Nonny, Rmoxon, Prinnysquad, Kryss, Chopemon, Quality Chimp, Asura, Blobcat, Importaku, Finsbury Girl, Huxley, Fishbowlhead, Cepp, Wakka, Wheela, Dogg Thang, Yakumo, Teddymeow, Golgo, Atticus, Nu-Eclipse, Fuse, MonkeyJuggleDX, Tobal, Beecee, Cassius Smoke, J0e Musashi, Evil Boris, Lebowski, Eastyy, Sketcz, MartyG

      Videogame References:
      Super Mario, Sonic, Nights, Pikmin, Resident Evil, Megaman, Kirby, The Misadventures of Tron Bonne, Dark Souls, Gears of War, Bubble Bobble, Earth Defense Force, Full Spectrum Warrior, Portal, Disgaea, Silent Hill, Pokémon, Donkey Kong, Starfox, Ratchet and Clank, Metal Gear Solid, Bioshock, Shenmue, Outrun, Hang-On, Maniac Mansion, Dead Space, Animal Crossing, Flicky, Splatoon, Pac Man, Luigi's Mansion, Assassin's Creed, Astro Bot, Twisted Metal

      Movie/TV References:
      Saving Private Ryan, Ghostbusters, Batman, Bond, Thunderbirds, The Muppets, Airwolf, Fraggle Rock, Back to the Future, The Sound of Music, ET, Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Transformers, The Fast and the Furious, Knight Rider, Doctor Who, Rocky, X-Men, The Matrix, Quantum Leap, Terminator, Jurassic Park

      Post Credits Sequence:
      Low light emits from flickering flames on the battlefield. Dust swirls on the wind across the remains of the Brink, through the streets of the City and the bodies in the gutters. Electrical sparks rain down from broken power lines and pools of water lie by cracked fire hydrants. Beneath a large mound of debris, the rubble begins to shake and tremble. Stones roll down to the ground below and as concrete slides away the glint of silver shines out. Faster and faster until a massive metallic hand lurches to freedom, slamming into the ground and dragging more of the mechanical monster out into the light. Eventually a dented and battered metal head rises upward and QualityChimp rises to its feet.

      "...kzzzk… bzzhzz… <SYSTEM INITIALISE>… restore... hzzk…"

      In the sky a crack of light streaks out from where the tear had been and a stream of celluloid films whips through the air before wrapping around the chest of the chimp titan. Black smoke curls around the light, down the film until it reaches QC.

      "...tzzt… twenty... khzk…"

      The film snaps back and drags QualityChimp off its feet, into the air and through a crack in space. The crack sealing itself up behind itself.


        The TRUE protagonist rises for the sequel in 2031!


          Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
          Ending 19:"

          You look in a small nearby pocket mirror and it's not your own reflection staring back, instead it's the face of Nu_Eclipse. You look at the computer and see the Nintendo Switch thread, typing the words 'I finally get it NI, you were actually right all along' you press Post and blue light traces around you again until you leap into a new body in time... putting right... what once went wrong...
          Only just read this today, and it made me laugh out loud!


            The opportunity was there so I had to take it

            Like with films, a BTS nugget about the post-credit sequence is that over the course of making Brink Cascade I knocked around the idea of making a sequel or trilogy of these before settling back in on deciding that I'd keep it to just the one. Rather than end up doing something that involves a lot of time and work and would likely be diminishing returns it was better as a one shot. Despite this I kept the post-credit sequence pretty much as it was always intended to be. The development it took was the introduction for the entire Dogg Thang branch of the game.

            A sequel would have followed a similar approach but with a different branching structure and have been movie and tv themed instead. In dropping the idea for a sequel I threw some of those bits into the idea of being sent to a third world so that it's there in some form at least.

            Had I gone the entire way of making a trilogy then I'd have probably brought it full circle. Whilst the original game is gaming focused, the second film and TV focused, a third would have brought the story to a complete end in making the forum itself the focus. Lots of in references and the two media based worlds spilling over into our own.

            All these updates though summarise the games paths - a month in total to launch and detail the game



              It's been brilliant, Neon.
              Thanks again for running it and reminding us of our anniversary.


                Just want to remind you all that I was playing Brink Cascade before it was cool (read: over).


                  Originally posted by fuse View Post
                  Just want to remind you all that I was playing Brink Cascade before it was cool (read: over).
                  JP NTSC import? ブリンクカスケード


                    At 60hz, no less.

                    Thanks Neon, it's been fun


                      So glad I could join the elite on this one

