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Pacman museum plus

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    Pacman museum plus

    This was recently announced but seems like a lot of people online just dismissed it as another lazy cashgrab compilation because people assumed it's the same rehashed list of pacman stuff thats been in various other compilations over the years and while there are some games in there that have been guilty of that like the original pacman and pac attack. This collection has quite a few titles where this will be the very first time they have been brought to home consoles. Stuff like pacman battle royale which was an arcade exclusive, or pac n roll which was pretty much locked to been a DS title but now has been reworked to be a console release.

    The game is worth it alone just for been able to finally play pacman championship edition again as it hasn't been released since it came out back in the X360 era, while it's not an exhaustive collection of every single pacman game it's a really cool compilation with actually quite a few of my faves in there and a debut of some of the lesser known games. Definitely not a lazy cashgrab as it's a little over a quid per game in there, the fact it's only £15 in japan and it's finally been announced as a physical title too makes it even better at first i was dreading it would be digital only but glad it's been given a cart release on switch not sure about PS4 if it gets a disk but i'm guessing so. Pretty much will be released for all consoles but PS4 & switch are getting it first followed by gamepass & PC a day later. I have seen the usa physical boxart for switch so it will be at least available in 2 regions in physical form not sure about euro region getting a cart release i looked on amazon uk but couldn't find anything yet.

    Official site here, out may 26th in japan but gonna guess it will be the same date everywhere
    PlayStation®4/ Nintendo Switch™/ Xbox One/ Windows PC/ Steam®にて発売中の「PAC-MAN MUSEUM+」の公式サイトです。

    A mini virtual playable pacman arcade of my dreams right there i adore the cabinet art

    The presentation is pretty slick, hoping that they can be played in original tate mode but they have really nice touches like displaying the arcade instruction bezels in 4:3 mode. What i really like is the building a little custom pacman arcade to display the titles & been able to access them from inside this mini arcade, the fact you play in game challenges to get coins to use in a pacman gashapon machine to win items to display in your mini arcade is just another thing that pushes my buttons. It's quite clear this has been made with love. As someone who still really likes pacman it's a title i'm rather excited in looking forward to playing. The vid below outlines the customisation features can even enjoy the soundtracks to all the games in there too.

    Makes me wish they would remake the original namco museum games and fill them with content like this, rebuild the museum part as i loved exploring that.
    Last edited by importaku; 12-03-2022, 22:57.

    Lovely post, thanks!
    I love Pac-Man as a character and these seems a really thoughtful collection.


      Was on my radar, but didn't realise that it was filthy cheap too. Great news!


        When I saw that price I was suspicious as it seemed almost too cheap. Tried looking into it just in case it was riddled with mtx stuff but I can’t find any mention in small print anywhere. Hoping they don’t pull something evil like a code in a box either or I’ll be really sad. On website I can’t see any mention so I remain in hope that it’s cheap because they want to give value for money & not that they are gonna pull something like EA.
        Last edited by importaku; 13-03-2022, 11:58.


          Oh that looks good. I'm gonna get that.

          Damn, I wish I had a machine for Game Pass. Still, £15 is a great price.


            Pacman 256 is actually the reason why I'm thinking of buying this.


              Looks absolutely brilliant.

              PS4 and Switch versions preordered.


                Well today is launch day & while my physical copy is going around the postal network in japan on it's way to tenso i double dipped & bought the digital version to keep me occupied as both come with the preorder dlc extras. First impressions so far are it's really nice, the atmosphere inside the arcade is wonderful it's super cozy. It seems the games have very little options though for changing controls ect though, there's no tate mode rotation stuff the only thing there is are some crt filters which look a bit pants on my tv so i turned them back off. The games i have tried so far all seem to play great, pac n roll is a little tricky as the analogue is not as sensitive compared to the DS touchscreen so you do tend to fly all over the place fast if you don't go gently. Pacman championsip edition is weird it's not the version i played on x360 i wonder if the version i played was a dx version as this one isn't like the one i was thinking of where the ghosts slow down as you get close. This version just feels like pac man the ghosts behave as normal, my fave so far is pac 256 it's one i never played before & it's a lot of fun.

                Still playing through to unlock the arcades as some are on freeplay from the beginning like the console games but the arcade machines take coins you get enough so far to start with so it's gives you plenty of scope to complete the challenges to build up more. Trying so hard not to blow through them all in the gashapon and the daily vending machine. I need to work on those high scores. All in all worth the £15 price tag so far. And there's definitely no MTX stuff all the coins are earned in game doing challenges.

                edit: oh and the jpn version is in full english, even pac in time which is the japanese version has all it's original story text in japanese but the game overlays english translation boxes over the text.

                Seems the version of championship edition is not the DX version of the x360 era after all it's totally different & way less fun version. This is the one i was thinking of in this version the ghosts follow you in a conga line behind you unlike championship edition 2 where they form chains and run around on rails.

                Not sure why bandai namco didn't put this version on. Tried all the modes just to make sure & nope the ghosts do not follow you like the DX version.
                Last edited by importaku; 26-05-2022, 09:24.


                  That's a shame as the original version's conga was one of the highlights.

                  I was thinking about the arcade management bit and how the games are all fairly similar, and there's no scrolling beat-em-up, for example and now, all I can think of is a scrolling beat-em-up with Pac-Man walking through Pac-Town punching the ghosts.


                    Would need moar clipart tbh...

