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NTSC-RePlay 011: The Next Generation

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    NTSC-RePlay 011: The Next Generation

    Every five to seven years we see another generation of consoles hit the market and eventually at some point the dedicated software lands and we see improvements in visual fidelity as a result. This has been the cycle since the beginning and there has been much discussion about the aggressive thirst from some corners to have consoles released as early as possible versus the diminshing gains as a result. However, visuals are specifically what we'll be putting to the side as we we consider...

    This isn't NTSC-UK... it's NTSC-RePlay

    We leap forward in time to 13 April 2004 and Baroque questioned about a scenario where the next generation of consoles might arrive with little or no noticeable visual improvement. Little did he know at the time but that very scenario would soon play out when Nintendo launched the Wii to huge success, sold on the pack repackaging the same level of tech as the Gamecube in a different box and with a hardware gimmick instead of a power jump. But even if you have more power, it doesn't necessarily mean visual advancements.

    We've seen peripherals come and go such as Wiimotes and Kinect, VR and portability are just about still hanging around, 3D has come and gone regardless of solving the issue of wearing glasses, there was once a huge and now abandoned focus on advancing in game AI and physics as well.

    Would you like to see an area of advancement in gaming focused on next generation instead of visuals or is it really all about the eye candy?

    Originally posted by Neon Ignition;2440843[SIZE=3
    ]Would you like to see an area of advancement in gaming focused on next generation instead of visuals or is it really all about the eye candy?[/SIZE]
    VR is pretty much the next-gen for me, so that's the main focus of wants, and the main thing I want from that is expanded field-of-view.


      I want insane levels of resolution and performance before I try VR again. 240Hz/8K, with all the RTX embellishments.

      Not requiring a headset at all would be a bonus.


        I'd love loading times to be done away with completely. They've done a great job this generation, but I'd love for everything to just be seamless.


          Honestly I'm probably good for graphical advancements and increased framerates for the time being. I'd like to see more flexible, malleable, destructible environments. Like how you could chop a tree down on BOTW and then use it to cross a gap. That was a really cool moment in that game, early on, where I thought 'I wonder if I can do that' - and I could!

          I would love to have more emergent environmental gameplay opportunities like that, rather than, well done you now have the grappling hook, the grappling hook can be used only and exclusively on the specially marked grappling hook surfaces we have salted the game with.

          It's as much design, of course, as technology. Letting the player blow holes in every wall kinda makes designing a level challenging.

          But still, I'd like to see it.


            I'd like to see a real increase in the number of animations for characters.
            Aloy and Sam both are the peak this gen, but to really push it they need to add a load of tiny finite animations. Like little changes of foot position and effort, or when dismounting a ladder it's based on where the ladder is and the type of ground it's propped against.
            Its these things that'll make games play next gen.


              Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
              Would you like to see an area of advancement in gaming focused on next generation instead of visuals or is it really all about the eye candy?
              How about making them FUN again?


                Originally posted by MonkeyJuggleDX View Post
                How about making them FUN again?
                Not going to happen. They’re becoming more and more cinematic in nature with every passing generation, backed up with Walking Dead levels of narrative and writing.


                  Originally posted by phillv85 View Post
                  I'd love loading times to be done away with completely. They've done a great job this generation, but I'd love for everything to just be seamless.
                  This is one of the most next-gen things about Cyberpunk that people tend to hand-wave away in favour of discussing limitations with traffic LOD instead. The only times you’re interrupted by a loading screen is either after you die, or when you work your way through a main quest cinematic. Traversing Night City is otherwise totally seamless.


                    There are loads of fun games out there.

                    The Assent
                    Streets of rage 4
                    Street fighter V
                    Ace Combat

                    I could go on. Just because AAA games are putting more effort in the story development, doesn't mean the arcade type games aren't still being released.


                      Originally posted by dataDave View Post
                      Not going to happen. They’re becoming more and more cinematic in nature with every passing generation, backed up with Walking Dead levels of narrative and writing.
                      Some of these 'cinematic' games I don't mind. Days Gone for example. Yes, it's typical of the type of game being released nowadays, but the difference with that one was I found myself getting invested in the characters to the point where the last chapter was a real rollercoaster for me.

                      I LOVE DRPG's, but that's just one genre that I enjoy.

                      We just need more stuff like Astro's Playroom. Yes it was short, but it was a love letter to how games used to be back in the PS1/2 days and I miss that.

                      Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
                      There are loads of fun games out there.

                      The Assent
                      Streets of rage 4
                      Street fighter V
                      Ace Combat

                      I could go on. Just because AAA games are putting more effort in the story development, doesn't mean the arcade type games aren't still being released.
                      Sifu & Returnal just aren't for me. Hades I got bored of. SoR4, never been a SoR fan. Street Fighter V is meh.


                        I’m happy with the current level of graphics really and don’t feel the need for any major upgrades . FPS are pretty much undetectable to me unless there are massive rate drops . Afaic you only have to look at something like Katamari to appreciate originality and innovation is crucial ( and a kick ass soundtrack does it for me ) I don’t need a massive narrative and endless cutscenes

