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Which is the best streetfighter????

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    Which is the best streetfighter????

    Was thinking about getting hyper streetfighter, but i was wondering what other versions people recommend and which is regarded as the best?

    Any suggestions?

    Street Fighter II Turbo is widely seen as the best Street Fighter of all time, though I have to admit to having a soft spot for Super Street Fighter II. SSFII Turbo is also good, though the balance of the fighters is all over the place. Ryu's Super Dragon Punch, for example, takes about the same amount of damage off as one of Honda's light punches.

    Hyper Street Fighter II is a great way of getting all the best Street Fighter games in one package.


      Hmm, last time I checked, it was Ken who had a Super Dragon Punch?

      For me, Super SF II Turbo is the daddy, and there are a fair few on this forum that agree. It's tough, and bloody quick (if you crank the turbo setting up), but it sharpens up your skills no end.

      SF III Thrid Strike is also a very nice game, as is SF Alpha 2.

      Well, I've not been much help at all, have I?


        Duh, yeah... Ken's Super Dragon Punch! My mistake


          3rd strike is the best one 8)
          i was tempted by hyper, but its seems they missed a lot of oportunities.
          I'll just carry on playing the older versions on mame.


            its goes like thisin my book

            1.Sf3:3rd strike
            3.CAPvsSNK2(not Sf but it more fun than the rest)


              SFZ/A3 is by far the most balanced and best, and undoubtedly street fighter was at it's peak as Capcom have gone downhill since it's release. 3rd strike is very good too but I'll never rate it higher than Zero 2/3. I wish they'd release a sequel.

              As for the VS series, pick up Xmen VS Streetfighter on the Saturn (the PSone conversion wasn't arcade perfect but still very fun) as it is IMO the most balanced VS game Capcom have created. The sequel was pretty good too, but anything else after that and it turned into a projectile-happy button bashing 600 hit combo fest. Ugh.


                Street Fighter II Turbo - it's only as complicated as it needs to be, I've played too much of it, it's just part of me.

                Alpha 3 is a close second though.


                  SF2Turbo or CapVsSNK2


                    Tough call - SF Zero 2 is a beauty, as is 3rd Strike. I'd give it to either.

                    For nostalgic reasons, SF2 Turbo is always fondly remembered (& still gets played too)


                      if 3rd Strike had all the alpha 3 characters in it we'd have a perfect streetfighter game.


                        Super Street Fighter IIX - DC
                        Street Fighter 3 TS - DC
                        Street Fighter Zero 3 - SS

                        Are the ones to own. These are the pinnacles in each series for those not willing to get the PCBs.

                        Originally posted by Razz
                        SFZ/A3 is by far the most balanced and best, and undoubtedly street fighter was at it's peak as Capcom have gone downhill since it's release. 3rd strike is very good too but I'll never rate it higher than Zero 2/3. I wish they'd release a sequel.

                        As for the VS series, pick up Xmen VS Streetfighter on the Saturn (the PSone conversion wasn't arcade perfect but still very fun) as it is IMO the most balanced VS game Capcom have created. The sequel was pretty good too, but anything else after that and it turned into a projectile-happy button bashing 600 hit combo fest. Ugh.
                        Zero 3 is not the 'most balanced' game in the series. V-ISM dominates and X-ISM is pretty much useless. Zangief, Gouki, Sakura and Ryu (all V) own the show and crouch cancel infinites are bs. It's a fun game but it's very flawed. Beats the **** out of Zero 2 though.

                        The PSone port of Xmen vs SF is worthless as you can't even tag. The game is not 'balanced' either; for 2 player competition it's just like Killer Instinct (ie worthless). There are a ton of infinites that are not very difficult to do. Fun in 1 player though.


                          3rd strike all the way baby!
                          Just seems to be the freshest ,most balanced of them all.
                          Like before,for nostalgic reasons ill always remember Turbo as this is what myself and i imagine a load of others grew up on (?110 on us SNES!) but cant really play it today.
                          Marvel vs Capcom 2 in the vs series(DC).


                            I've said it before but I'll say it again.

                            Jap Dreamcast Super Street Fighter II X is the daddy!

                            I challenge anyone who thinks that they are good on Street Fighter II to play this version on the hardest setting and not tell me that the CPU isn't a tough challenge...


                              For me it goes:

                              1. 3rd Strike
                              2. Hyper Fighting 15th anniversary (super turbo + extras)
                              3. Zero 2

                              Super Turbo is regarded by most as the best Streetfighter - but I prefer the parrying and counter system of SF3, 3rd Strike is my favourite of the SF3s. Recently got the anniversary edition - it's Super Turbo but it's Super Turbo + loads more stuff so I'll include that instead.

