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Star Wars Outlaws

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    It's a tactic that all companies do and will continue to do if people buy them at the asking price - that's how capitalism works - if you don't like the price, the way to defeat it is not to buy it at that price.

    Given that people are buying these products at these prices, and in large quantities, that says to me that most consumers aren't that bothered, either about this, microtransactions or the general state of day one releases. And publishers know this.


      Originally posted by MartyG View Post
      It's a tactic that all companies do and will continue to do if people buy them at the asking price - that's how capitalism works - if you don't like the price, the way to defeat it is not to buy it at that price.
      I would've said the same thing years ago. But I voted with my wallet so many times and nothing got better; in fact in many ways they got considerably worse.

      Now I think we're at a point where there are people who just don't have the impulse control, and we need to act to protect those people from unscrupulous profiteers; like with mobile gaming lootbox stuff. Sure, it's not illegal, and people buy them in droves, but that in itself may not be a good enough justification for the practice.


        Profiteering and inflating prices only works when you have a product that people want. In Ubisoft case people aren't buying their stuff at the over inflated prices, skull and bones was billed as not just a triple AAA development but AAAA in its budget and scope, How did that work out for them? Not great, nobody bought it at £70-100, which is why you can pick it up for £25 now on pc, and you don't even need to pay that as theirs an 8-hour free trial, which is really nice of them as I think that about 7 hours more than you need to see how poor a game they have made.

        I'm sure come September, Star Wars outlaws will be offering similar incentives to play its £120 AAAA budget game. As all Ubisoft are doing is giving themselves a name for overpricing and under delivering, and I doubt Star Wars outlaws will buck that trend.
        Last edited by Lebowski; 19-04-2024, 10:17.


          Then I don't see the problem - if Ubisoft get a bad reputation and people don't buy the game at that price, then it'll will drop in price to a level that people will buy it at as the market determines, limited by those factors.

          This is not the same thing as lootboxes - that's not about the costs as much as their marketting (and still we're not seeing governments do much about that anyway).

          No government is ever going to legislate what a game company can charge for a game - or what Ford can sell its cars for. It's not their purview to do so.
          Last edited by MartyG; 19-04-2024, 10:49.


            Originally posted by MartyG View Post
            No government is ever going to legislate what a game company can charge for a game - or what Ford can sell its cars for. It's not their purview to do so.
            I'm not suggesting they should, though. I just think it's fine, justifiable - positive, even - for people to point out, verbally, loudly, at reasonable junctures, that this is not acceptable, and people shouldn't buy it.

            You can vote with your wallet, but you don't have to do it in silence.


              Sure, and I'd agree that you can voice an opinion it's expensive (because it is - I think games are expensive at £70) - ultimately it's the market that will determine if the price is viable and acceptable - it's doesn't matter what the squeeky wheel is doing if it's still turning along with the other three.

              And I'll continue to wait for discounts to what I consider a reasonable level - but others are free to spend their own money as they wish, and it's not for me to dictate otherwise, all I can say is you'd be better to wait for the discount too.
              Last edited by MartyG; 19-04-2024, 14:45.


                There's tons of old games I haven't played yet. I'd rather pay indie Devs for something that was made with a bit of passion. Although I rarely do that either





                    Will still wait for the full reviews (and discounts), but it's looking promising.


                      Didn't mind the look of it in the Ubi show, will likely use Ubisoft+ to do it and their other stuff on the cheap but they look like they've made a proper effort with it. Stood out in an otherwise pointless show.


                        Originally posted by MartyG View Post

                        Will still wait for the full reviews (and discounts), but it's looking promising.
                        It’s got £15-£20 a year after release written all over it. Also we all know it’s going to be a technical disaster as usual on launch, and we know for a fact it’s RIDDLED with gate kept content & mtx.


                          Still looks typical Ubislop to me, you'll all be doing the same 5 things spread over 40 hours. You want to do the next linear story set piece? please go grind fraction rep by climbing towers and shooting up outposts, YAY!!! Lock it in!


                            Yeah one to pick up in the Game of the Year/Ultimate/Legendary edition in a year or two for 50 bucks.

                            Serious question - if they wanted to make a game where you're Han Solo, why not make a Han Solo game


                              Originally posted by Finsbury Girl View Post
                              Yeah one to pick up in the Game of the Year/Ultimate/Legendary edition in a year or two for 50 bucks.

                              Serious question - if they wanted to make a game where you're Han Solo, why not make a Han Solo game
                              Probably because they will have to give Harrison Ford a shed load of money for his likeness. Also, anyone else that linked the Han Solo character.

                              Plus this way, they can just make stuff up to suit whatever narrative they wish to swing, without ‘hurting’ the legacy of the original characters and law.

                              Im interested in this SW Outlaw game, but like most, will wait till it’s more affordable and available will all the bells and whistles DLC on. Like I am still doing with Cyberpunk Ultimate Edition - when this hits that magic number in my head for price - then I’ll entertain it. I’m a patient guy, been waiting to play Cyberpunk ever since it was first announced as a PS3 game.



                                It's more likely down to canon than likeness.

