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Consolevania- W.I.P. website

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    Consolevania- W.I.P. website

    Here's a page you can go to with an email address for you to ask any questions and so on....


    Impressive. I know.

    What the hell is it?


      I have to stop assuming people know what it is.

      It's a freely distributed monthly videogames TV show, starting in early March. Downloadable, or you can send off for a VCD.


        Hey man, where on your website can I request for the monthly VCD?!?!


          Website is truely horrific, I hope the program is upto a better standard.


            It's nice and stylish, but it makes fook-all sense to anyone who doesn't know what it is and comes across it at random when surfing the web.


              Website is truely horrific, I hope the program is upto a better standard.
              It's nice and stylish
              Brilliant. Already causing debate.


                The cast of the show prepare for the shoot by snuggling up to a gay

                Spelling mistake (guy?)?


                  Who's the girl, will she be in it.

                  I hope so.


                    <meta name="generator" content="Created Using Yahoo! PageBuilder 2.61.84">
                    That line in the code summerises what I think of the site. Create a proper site.


                      Imagine what the program is going to be liek then


                        EDIT: Sorry for being rude, I see where Halo is coming from.


                          Originally posted by Crispin
                          Originally posted by Halo
                          <meta name="generator" content="Created Using Yahoo! PageBuilder 2.61.84">
                          That line in the code summerises what I think of the site. Create a proper site.
                          That has to be the most arrogant thing I have ever heard in my life. If you have a tool use it.
                          I do use tools to create websites. However, I have never seen a good site ever created by a crappy tool that results in a mess of HTML. Any version Frontpage, Fireworks...even Mozilla Composer could do better by anyone in 5 minutes. If you use crap tools... you get a crap site. That's the way these things work.

                          Actually, it's the first time I've ever been called arrogant. Cheers


                            Uh, don't talk to me about Frontpage, piece of crap IMO. Reason why I write in plain HTML. Least it works...
                            Didn't mean to come across as rude, apologies.


                              Likewise. My brother and I write our sites in Notepad, pure HTML code typed on the page, nary a construction program to be seen...
                              Lie with passion and be forever damned...

