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Skies of Arcadia (spoilers included) How good is it really?

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    Originally posted by Moodmon
    As for comparisions with Grandia 2, I thought SoA had a better outlook (clich?d as it was) but Grandia 2 had a much better fight system, and a mean insano-lady, AND a kicker plot twist, which Soa lacks.
    SoA (well the GC version) has a mean insano-lady... Piastol herself. The gaming equivalent of a girl who's taken a short dive off the deep end. And she's just about the hardest thing in the game apart from perhaps

    Originally posted by spoiler
    your doppelgangers and the final set of battles versus Ramirez.
    Lie with passion and be forever damned...


      Originally posted by DavidFallows
      What about Nasrad market with it's 3-tier walk-way with citizens walking and haggling underneath? I remember thinking "WOW!" to that on the DC more than anything. So colourful and detailed.
      Originally posted by spoiler
      I prefer it later on
      I forgot about Aika with her hair down. She was
      Originally posted by spoiler
      on that love-struck girl's ship
      , wasn't she?

      I love the way both the girls...

      Originally posted by spoiler
      Have Vyse's picture on their desks on Pirate Isle. And the wonderful moment where you comfort them both, but Aika sees you with Fina.
      And, when all else fails, you can get Gilder to say "Dance For Me!" Dammit, I wanna get SoA: Legends now. Even though I have Xenogears and Chrono Cross to play...


        FFXII is going to feature air pirates isn't it...


          Originally posted by Mayhem
          SoA (well the GC version) has a mean insano-lady... Piastol herself. The gaming equivalent of a girl who's taken a short dive off the deep end. And she's just about the hardest thing in the game apart from perhaps

          Originally posted by spoiler
          your doppelgangers and the final set of battles versus Ramirez.

          I was looking forward to this stuff, after I read how hard it was and being told. I walked it though, what an anticlimax!


            Originally posted by Moodmon
            The big forum debate: Do you choose the dour and frigid Fina, or the one who looks like she could go all night, Aika?
            Originally posted by spoiler
            Don't they choose each other? Well, they end up in bed together on a ship full of women. Perhaps my imagination gets the better of me here.
            Fina's the one anyway. Always have to watch the quiet ones.


              Originally posted by Moodmon
              The big forum debate: Do you choose the dour and frigid Fina, or the one who looks like she could go all night, Aika?
              Aika definately! She looks like she would take on all the air pirates at once and still be up for more. My kind of girl .

              In fact, in my avatar she looks like she's not alone .


                The last RPG I stuck with until the end, purely through the quality of the storytelling. The characters and locations are unique and distinctive throughout and the battle system is only slightly flawed. The main factor was purely that i wanted to see what happened, wanted to continue to the end of the adventure as i genuinely cared enough to make sure the main protagonists actually turned out ok. It`s really not happened since in any other RPG so I cant recommend SoA enough.


                  I want a Cupil. What a guy! What a weapon! You have the most peaceful girl in existence, and her best pal happens to be able to turn into a huge sword/cutlass/hammer/frying pan/piece of whoop-ass whenever he feels like it. And he can warp (which is only ever exploited in the battle sequences. Shame).


                    i was thinking of doing this when i had a bit more time, but would anyone be interested if i said i was going to play through the game and record the cut scenes/some bits of battles etc and then place it on the net as a sort of movie?


                      Would be an idea, but it would have to be of high enough quality to see the text ..


                        I've been avoiding this thread over the past few weeks as I played through the latter parts of Legends. Finished it last night! Awesome game. It stands along side Dragon Warrior VII as my favourite RPG.

                        Now to get all the secrets!


                          You poor fool, you have to get all the chams. Everyone who played it on the DC goes into mini-comas remembering the incessent beeping.

                          Beep-beep-beep-beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbee...IT'S NOT F**KING HERE YOU STUPID VMU...[presses button]...oh, got it.

                          Then I work out you need to connect to the internet and download an island to get all of them. Nrrghh.


                            Originally posted by Moodmon
                            You poor fool, you have to get all the chams. Everyone who played it on the DC goes into mini-comas remembering the incessent beeping.

                            Beep-beep-beep-beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbee...IT'S NOT F**KING HERE YOU STUPID VMU...[presses button]...oh, got it.

                            Then I work out you need to connect to the internet and download an island to get all of them. Nrrghh.

                            Walking along.. BEEPEBEEPBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!



                              I was thinking more along the lines of getting all the discoveries and getting all the moonfish so that I can fight Piastol's final form. I've already done all the wanted battles Hopefully I can also unlock the battle against Vigoro.


                                I had my own personal tactic. Jiggly the stick, and hammer the button. Either that or take the VMU out, burn it, autoclave it, bury it, then send the lawn into space.

                                Extreme? Ask darkangel.

