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DC Planet Ring explanation anyone?

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    DC Planet Ring explanation anyone?


    I pride myself on being something of a Sega fanboy. So when Sega Europe called me to say they were relocating and were going to throw away a ton of Dreamcast stuff, I was straight in the car and came home with a massive box of goodies, including Planet Ring.

    I understand the basic concept but has anyone played it or seen it being played. It look beautiful and it intrigued me. Thanks!

    In other news, SOE was dishing out 128MB MP3 players at the Football Manager conference. Bonus Sega week indeed!

    Again thanks,


    aaaah planet ring, now that does bring back memories.

    Bascialy it was a online only game, which made use of the DC mic. (It actually came packaged with the mic).

    You were this little guy or girl and went around this planet playing diffent games, and talking to people.

    There was a Highscore board and everything.

    Havent played it in ages though. Is the Server still up?


      HappyFamilyGaiden- how do SOE know you? and where were they based?
      what else did you get?


        Nah it doesn't work online anymore. I bought it and I tried to play it online but it wouldn't work , and this was a few months back.


          Originally posted by mt50
          HappyFamilyGaiden- how do SOE know you? and where were they based?
          what else did you get?
          I'm a journalist for the (overly)pro Sega journal
          The box of goodies was superb! Nothing super amazing, like Samba shakers, but, two arcade sticks, tons of brand new VMUs, keyboard, mic, mouse etc... Can't remember off the top of my head. Loads of games too.

          However, listen to this: The box had been lying in Sega's warehouse for years. I was sat down enjoying a herbal cigarette feeling rather content with the world. Then something caught my eye. Ants. Everywhere. In my house, in my sitting room. So I got the Dyson Ant Buster 4000 and sucked all the little ****ers up. Not really too bad all in all. However, the worst is yet to come. From within the box, came about seven or eight *big* spiders, like those nasty big black house spiders that run at 100 MPH and scare the bejesus out of you. These were warehouse spiders (it makes sense) and were massive.

          I almost, when thinking that I had unleashed a plague of giant terrifying arachnids upon myself, started to cry. But rather than just moving out (I really, really hate big spiders) I picked up the whole box and chucked it into the garden, then poured myself a large brandy and got to work hunting them down.

          It?s the stuff of nightmares ? a box filled with joyous Dreamcast bits and bobs, secretly laced with devil creatures!

          If anyone is in dire need of a VMU, do let me know. I have a few that are going spare. J



            I'm in need of a VMU, and an arcade stick for a cheap price


              Sounds awful. As much as I feel sorry for you, you've just been given a load of free stuff so I can't feel too sorry for you

              I'll have one or two VMUs if they're going cheap . Anything else you want to unload?

              Just make sure there are no spiders in the box...I hate spiders


                i hate spiders too bloody horrible things ft: .

                i'm allways needing new vmu's if you have some going spare.
                i would mind 1 or 2.



                  im in need of a spare vmu 2


                    I would like VMU, I am E. Boogaloo's friend.

                    Send some xtra 1s to him plz


                      I got seven going spare, two already gone. No fee, please share the Sega love! email me, first come first served. You'll need to send SAEs btw.
                      Need the arcade sticks - Sorry. However, they are cheap as chips in CEX second hand right now. I have a great tip for servicing them to good-as-new!

                      Gotta run now, will reply to VMU recipients tomorrow.

                      Have a nice evening!



