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Official Games You Still Haven't Finished Yet

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    Official Games You Still Haven't Finished Yet

    This is a topic that causes me no end of consternation. When I look ahead to the future I see so many games coming that I want to play and must own, and yet when I look at my shelves I see game after game I already have that I haven't finished yet and need to...

    For me I still need to finish:

    Beyond Good And Evil
    Indiana Jones And The Emperor's Tomb
    Buffy The Vampire Slayer
    Vice City
    Icewind Dale 2
    Resident Evil 0
    Metroid Prime
    Silent Hill 2
    Panzer Dragoon Orta

    And I'm sure I'm forgetting some. I can't believe how behind I am, and yet still want more.

    Skies of arcadia
    Wind Waker
    PD orta
    Kingdom hearts
    Mario sunshine
    BTVS (buffy)

    pretty much most of me collection! might as well stop there!



      Almost all of my collection.

      Skies of Arcadia Legends (although I did complete the DC original)
      Ratchet and Clank 2: Locked and Loaded
      Final Fantasy VI
      Billy Hatcher
      Freedom Fighters
      Metroid Prime (I got past the prologue then stopped playing it)
      Fire Emblem
      Advance Wars 2
      Pokemon Sapphire (but I have kind of given up on this)
      plus many many more

      And I am looking to pick up Jak and Daxter, Beyond Good and Evil and MGS in the near future.


        Right basically I am aiming to finish -

        Metroid Prime
        Resident Evil Remake
        Viewtiful Joe
        Timesplitters 2
        Beyond Good and Evil
        Battle Houshin
        Pikmin (Good ending rather than bad ending!)

        Additionally I need to finish certain areas of -

        Super Smash Bros Melee
        Mario Kart Double Dash
        1080 Avalanche

        I also have these titles that need finishing off but I can't motivate myself. Should I even bother?

        Tony Hawks 3
        Rogue Leader
        Monkey Ball 1

        And Finally I have these 4 games I have only played for 30 minutes total -

        NBA Street
        Beach Spikers
        Bomberman Generations

        WHY WON'T YOU SELL GAMES SHARK! If you aren't playing them, and don't want to, they won't be missed surely! Bah!


          Metroid Prime
          (Searching for about 6 artifacts at the moment)

          (Not very good at this yet but determined to master)

          The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time
          (Just collected the 3 spiritual stones)

          The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
          (Wind Temple nearly complete)

          Advance Wars
          (yet to start)

          Then after I finish a few of these I've got a list of games to buy which is simply daunting. There are just too few hours in the day for gaming. (That is until the summer holidays start, I can't bloody wait.)


            Doesn't this clash a wee teeny bit with the games you've finished thread? Just a tad? A smidgen?

            In that you can list all the games you haven't finished, then check 'em off as you work through them. It's almost like motivation. Because we're watching.

            I have an awful record for completing games. I'm generally of the 'get to 85% complete, get stuck, declare software both "unfair" and "stupidly difficult" and then angrily shelve it' persuasion. New rules were in order. They are simply thus: finish one, start one. It works like a charm. For example, I wasn't 'allowed' to start Beyond G&E until I finally got my **** together and completed Rainbow Six 3. No, you can't even load that new game up and look at it. That's starting it. Leave it in the plastic.

            This doesn't mean you're always playing one game, of course. You'll have five or ten or fifteen on the go. But the number can never grow. The motivation of wanting to tear into that new game is just enough for me to work an older game through to completion.

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              Man, I still need to finish...

              Metroid Prime - Last Boss - Grrrr
              Zelda Wind Waker - Triforce pieces
              Diddy Kong Racing 8) - Max out 100%

              And there's tonnes of JAP GC games I haven't finished. But they're pick up and play ones that are never going to get completed.


                Gregory Horror Show - 75% Spent 3 hours trying to get the Chef last time I played and haven't touched it in weeks.

                Halo - Got to the warthog bit at the end and then selected 'restart level' thinking it would restart from the checkpoint ft:

                Beyond Good and Evil - In the slaughterhouse and I don't know if I'll ever (be bothered to) get out again.

                Nebula Echo Night - 80% I will finish this soon. Promise.

                Actually I find threads like this much more motivational than the 'Games you've finished' one which I haven't contributed to yet.


                  Originally posted by the shape
                  Doesn't this clash a wee teeny bit with the games you've finished thread? Just a tad? A smidgen?
                  Yes it does, as that thread also lists games that people are aiming to finish rather than just games people have finished.

                  Therefore, I'm making that topic a sticky and locking this one.


