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How to Bang your pad!?

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    How to Bang your pad!?

    Basically i am playing through MGS1 again, and for the life of me can't get the bandana. Beating Ocelot in the torture room is becoming tiresome and i need to get the bandana to help me get the big boss ranking.
    I was never any good at Track and Field or Virtua athlete games so this part is proving difficult!! ft:
    I can get to the final "session" but can't last it. Does anyone have any tips of what they do when playing this type of game!! I NEED THAT BANDANA!!!

    I did it by tensing up my arm so much that it vibrates against the button!

    I'm struggling to reel in the fish in Links Awakening for GBA. 'Arm vibration no jutsu' doesn't work because I need to hold on to the GBA.


      I feel your pain.

      I hate button bashing, especially on MGS. I resorted to rubbing my fingernail over the button, back and forth, very quickly. If bloody hurt, but it worked.

      "Infinite ammo...."


        I was gonna say about Arm Vibration no Jutsu!

        Another one if you have nails is to scratch the button side to side - that's also fast.


          i put on a flease or swaetshiret and the pull on of the sleeve's over my hand and thenrub 2 fingers over the buttons, that way it won't hurt as much


            Does anyone know if it is affected by playing on Easy mode? F*ck just tried to use some gel on my fingers so it wont stick! But i just think i am f*cking my pad!!

            "there are no continues,my friend" ouch i was all overconfident at first & i didn't bother to save at all..had to bloody start all over again!!!!


              Yes it's easier on easy mode. But will you still get the Big Boss rating?


                Thankfully button bashing has been recognised for the hideous game mechanic it is and is now absent from most games ( I remember the insane joystick waggling of Dayley Tompson's Decathalon on the C64, I'm sure the Devs must have had some major deal with a joystick manufacturer - I went through about three playing that game ).

                I feel your pain with MGS though, I too gave up on that torture section after a while and even ended up resenting Kojima for it, I had expected for him to come up with something smarter than that - something which, y'know, actually relied on skill.


                  Learn to spasm your wrist. Its a lot easier then

                  I was working on Sydney 2k when MGS came out, so my button mashing was at its peak. I'm not so good now, doubt I'd be able to do it on Normal.


                    buy a cheap autofire pad?


                      Originally posted by probeater
                      buy a cheap autofire pad?

                      I have no patience for button bashing segments, unless they're reasonable. Despite hearing from several sources at the time that MGS1 was autofire aware, I beat that section right away with the first ?4.99 Chinese pad I found in the office.

                      This was after a few goes the traditional way, of course.


                        a foolproof way is to get a cheap biro and just move it back and forth over the button really really quickly.

                        it'll knacker your pad pretty quickly though.


                          Jeez, I never had a problem with it. Mind you, I was always the king of Bishi Bashi, at least the button bashing games...
                          The only one I had a problem with was in Shenmue II, with the top level arm wrestling guy. I just COULDN'T do it.


                            Like Freddo said get a biro and move it back and forth over the button really quickly. A lighter works better IMO but you'll still get the desired effect either way.


                              Those little yellow plastic cases that Kinder surprise toys are packaged in are great. Just use the shorter of the two halfs on the end of your first two fingers, then wiggle them digits back and forth over the button like a man possessed.

