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My games machine is much much better than yours!

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    I had one only yesterday in the playground about which are better,Fox's Glacier Mints or Fruits.


      You think thats bad. I remember a huge heated thread on usenet arguing about JPEG versus GIF.
      Bah, that's nothing.

      You haven't lived until you've participated in a flame war over text editors

      vim > emacs, fwiw.


        And from there its a short step to squabbling over semicolons and whose development language is best...



          And semicolons rule. Fact. Tru.

          C64 Basic... #1. Woo!

          Disclaimer: Some of the above may or may not be true. E&OE applies. Further conditions that would take far too long to describe and explain undoubtedly apply - so: Oh, and the right to change one's mind at will and with a changing 'climate', moon phase and side of the bed applies at all times.

          Big up T3H RAW!

          Exclamamation marks. Iz.


          Development Language?

          *&!* @!*&$@*!!!! usually works pretty well.



            NTSC-UK is the only place I know where you can escape the stupidness.
            Another forum I used to post on was but the people there bring it down so much

            You cant say anything on there, I started a thread on a game and was immediately called a liar (the plums didnt realise the game existed) - Virtua Fighter Final Tuned gets announced and straight away you get pages and pages of slagging the game off - there's not enough cut scenes in VF, there are no endings....and apparently Capoeria is a pathetic fighting style! (all this judged on 1 Tekken character ) .....I remember seeing a Capoeira brer kick off against someone wasnt pretty, they aint human!

            Anyway - here you can talk about the games you enjoy without fanboyism or complete BS like this:

            Nintendo of Europe invited me about a 2 month ago to test Mario 128 and i went last week and played it for a good hour and a bit. I have been sworn to secrecy but i can tell you it rocks and it will come out on the GC. The storyline is great and you know the new aspects Shingys been talking about well they are brand new and kick ***. You guys will love it. This game will go down in history and make xbox gamers turn to 'cube.
            Oh and he also:
            worked on N5 and have an early Prototype of the NDS


              Oh and he also:
              worked on N5 and have an early Prototype of the NDS

              I think that what is more worrying is there are peeps who believe this kind of stuff.

              btw did I mention I 1-up'd Psyvariar.


                ^^^ Blatant I was there.

                Madbury programmed the entire game into his programmable pad and just hit 1 button to start the sequence -


                  I was like that with my N64 when I first got it, and then this generation I found that buying all 3 major consoles made my bias totally disappear, and I was able to sit back and chuckle at all those silly internet arguments.

                  Then again, even though I had an import Cube first, and only buying the Xbox many moons later when it suffered its first price-cut, even then I wasn't biased, more disappointed since I caught sight of Edge's 10/10 for Halo like a day after I'd ordered my import Cube, and even though I tried to change my order it was too expensive and so I stuck with me bubbly Cube and a state of disappointment. So even then I wasn't 'biased'... so I guess it's just about growing up and growing out of pointless arguments about bits of machinery. Ahem.


                    Originally posted by Saurian
                    NTSC-UK is the only place I know where you can escape the stupidness.
                    Agreed. The only other forum I regularly visit now is Gaming Age and that's only because the news always gets posted there first.


                      If the only forum you use is this one then it's probably a case of "we're all too tired of getting blasted when we mention the subject" or "we own all three".


                        I was like that with my N64 when I first got it, and then this generation I found that buying all 3 major consoles made my bias totally disappear, and I was able to sit back and chuckle at all those silly internet arguments.
                        Wouldn't it be nice to able to do that with sports cars...


                          Most users here own multiple systems, and thereby appreciate all aspects of gaming.

                          I always wondered to myself, those who mock other gaming systems when comparing to their own, would they still complain if they were given it free?

                          Anyway, people say the boards have now calmed down, when were they any different?

