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    Play what you like d00ds, not what simply exists as part of a list. I can`t imagine how bad it must be to wake up one day and realised you`ve blown thousands of pounds on "meh" games, only for half of them to remain untouched, and the other half to be too **** to bother with. Tis the feeling the games give that makes it all worthwhile and so addictive, not an endless quest to accumulate every game ever.

    Its like, the "plant" as I`d call it, on sega rally, when the car leaves normal driving style and melts into that supreme drift, is something that is beyond value. The custard pie throwing contest in Bishi Bashi special. Getting that perfect banana hit on Block Kuzushi to have the ball sail up the screen in a wide arc and hit the final block first time (incidentally watch out for vids of this on MGV soon). The "big pink splat gun" on Dodonpachi. And tbfh - Doom head to head, one on one, mano et mano deathmatch (O of destruction or Suburbs tbh - and with headphones). These are little feelings and touches I wouldn`t trade for an entire neogeo collection.

    From what I`ve learned over the years, these little things are what makes gaming so rocking, and having an endless sea of games dilutes it, and in some cases means it is never discovered at all. Hence teh Sega Rally Sanctuary - seeing something that is so utterly perfect on a shelf for 49p is a total insult when people pay hundreds of pounds for games that, lets not kid ourselves here, are complete and utter ****e.

    I think what I`m getting at is, you don`t NEED hundreds of games or big collections to be what I`d consider a "gamer". You just need those little bits of squeeze. "Squeeze" - that rocks. <made new phrase up pose>!!! Or tickle. Tickle would have been good there. Squeeze n tickle. Yeah. Makes gaming fun, instead of a vacuous sterile alternative to stamp-collecting.

    Fill your gaming with squeeze n tickle, instead of shopping (for stuff that you`ll regret buying if you ever get round to switching it on).

    Tbh havent`t got a clue what this thread is about. I just thought I should say that. I think. Err. Yeah. Curvy hips rock tbh. ^_^;;; As does SONIC.ANIMEBOTS.CO.UK/MGV D

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    I share your hate of collectors though, its because of these mumpkins that people who actually enjoy playing games they buy have to pay so much for them.


      I don`t really hate collectors tho. Just sorta, feel they need a bit of guidance. I hate things like brussel sprouts. They ****ing ming tbh.


        The collecting culture has largely eluded me. Why own something just for the sake of owning it? Who cares? Boxes of games, figures and other assorted tat all lined up, most of which will never leave its virginal shrink wrap, taking up all that space (not to mention money).

        If I was a collector, I'd feel cheated myself.

        Most of gaming's geek trappings can be found here.


          Well there's collecting because you like something and there's collecting because you're an obsessive-compulsive sort of person. I collect Zoids - specifically 1980s European release Zoids. The value of these is when they are unbuilt in sealed boxes, however I built every single one of mine because I like the way they look and how they work. If someone collected something for the rarity and just to have it unopened and unused, that's a bit nuts.


            This topic seems to come up once a week in alternate flavours - pro or anti collecting.

            Collecting games is the same as collecting anything else; Stamps, Albums, Beer mats, Train numbers, etc. And I doubt many collectors could give you a really good reason as to why they collect things, they just do.

            Owning a collection gives its own particular pleasure, sure it can be seen as sad, but as I've said before, without collectors you will have no future basis for museums, and without museums we will have no tangible record of the past.

            I'm betting that the majority of people on this board have a large collection of something, be it albums, dvds, porn, or whatever - people and glass houses and all that.


              I have to confess Im a collector of all kinds of things , I dont really know why I feel compelled to do so I just always have ever since I was a kid , its just something that I enjoy


                At the end of the day if people have disposable income its entirely up to them how they want to spend it. To judge people and label them as something seems far more sinister than someone pursuing a focused interest.

                The gaming industry as it is today is one reason why so many people are going after the older titles, People need to find their own way.. not yours.


                  Aye, but most collections aren`t in the same vein as some in gaming end up, where someone will go "I want to collect this what should I get?", and don`t have much previous interest or depth of interest in the chosen collectee. Thats how most neogeo collections seem to me - people just collect a list of `regarded` titles off a list, without ever having given a **** about KOF or MS before. Most people have "collections" of something or other like DVD`s, but they usually don`t go "I know I`ll collect every single DVD by director X even though I`ve never seen them".

                  I think thats what I`m on about. A collection should be a kind of amount of deeply treasured possessions, rather than just a bunch of stuff a bunch of l337 people suggested you should buy.


                    Originally posted by SonicMarmite
                    I think thats what I`m on about. A collection should be a kind of amount of deeply treasured possessions, rather than just a bunch of stuff a bunch of l337 people suggested you should buy.
                    I agree completely, But their are different types of collectors other than the ones you see who post stupid topics like "what is rare for x" and then buy up the entire list due to potential future resale value.

                    You can't/shouldn't tarnish everyone with the same opinion.


                      I collect games, because that's my thing, my hobby, and I enjoy it. It's nice to look on your shelf and see all your favourite games, all lined up neatly and to be able to pick anyone one of them up, and enjoy it.

                      I've started collecting Japanese GC games, and some Japanese DC games too. And it's ace. I love buying a new game, not having a clue what its about, and just experimenting, and generally enjoying it too.


                        Originally posted by Darwock
                        Well there's collecting because you like something and there's collecting because you're an obsessive-compulsive sort of person. I collect Zoids - specifically 1980s European release Zoids. The value of these is when they are unbuilt in sealed boxes, however I built every single one of mine because I like the way they look and how they work. If someone collected something for the rarity and just to have it unopened and unused, that's a bit nuts.
                        Zoids ****ing rock tbh <salute>

                        If I had a massive stash of Zoids (if only ^_^;; I would honest to god sit on the floor and play Zoids once again. D


                          I think what your getting at is people collecting games for their rarity. For instance people should be buying Radiant Silvergun because it's one of the finest shoot em ups available. The problem is that a lot of people seem to buy it because it's rare and worth a fair amount of cash. I don't see the point in that.


                            I collect games??..but only good ones. Games with ?squeeze?.

                            I have a list somewhere on my PC and it contains all my wants. But all my wants are games that I?d definitely play if I had the time. Thing is, I never have enough time and if I spent ?120 on RSG I doubt I?d have the time to devote to it. So I suppose I?m buying for esteem, but my own esteem, not someone elses.

                            I have no desire whatsoever to own Pocket Reversi because?..well it?s ****ing reversi, innit? If I saw a PAL copy going cheap, I?d buy it just to resell it to a serious collector so I could buy some other games that are on my list.

                            So in a way I do collect games. I have some games I?ve never even played. But they are all games that are regarded by me as essential purchases, for reasons of quality rather than rarity or value.


                              Re: Sega Rally on Saturn being stupidly cheap; I know. But what are you going to do? I love the game, but I'm not buying another copy because it doesn't deserve to sit on a shelf unloved.

                              Mind you, I've been known to do that with books; if I see a copy of The Sparrow sitting in a charity shop I'll usually buy it to give to someone, anyone, who hasn't read it yet; its just that good.

                              So for things on more popular platforms maybe that is an answer?

