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Franchises given the video game treatment

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    Franchises given the video game treatment

    So, which previously non-game franchises do you guys think have gotten a fair deal, and which were screwed from the get-go? Star Wars started off pretty good, then had some seriously wonky games put out for it for awhile, but now seems to be coming back to form. Star Trek, outside of Elite Force, has never really been done up like it should unless I missed it. Buffy's done okay, and Indy has a cracking game. But who's faired the best, and who's faired the worst?

    One of the worst culprits is the X-Men license. You could do so many things with that license - the stories are aleady there for you but what do we get...

    1. Crap 3D 1 on 1 beat em ups
    2. Crap 3D adventure beat em ups

    We used to get half decent 2D scrolling platform/beat em ups but then they would be bug riddled so you couldn't even finish them *groan*


      Has anyone ever made a decent Superman game?


        Yeh you would think a fantastic Superman game would be easy for modern developers. How the hell can people get things wrong so often.


          Because Superman has no physical limits. His only weakness is Kryptonite, and if he were as bright as the dark knight, he'd just wear a lead suit, since it wouldn't be that hard for him to do so.

          Having no physical limits makes for a ****ty videogame. But in order to make for a good game, you have to destroy the license.

          Plus the license costs the publisher money, so they get a crap developer to work on it to save money.

          I've yet to play a decent superhero game since Revenge of the Sinister Six on the NES.


            I had a lot of fun with Freedom Force, that could've carried a licence.

            Weren't Bioware meant to be doing an X-Men RPG at some point? Or was that someone else?


              I think the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon would make a great RPG.

              Cel shaded grahpics.

              Also, I don't think Superman's lack of physical limits would be difficult for a developer with an imagination.

              If they can make movies and comics about such a character, they can make a game, too. It doesn't have to revolve around the player (ie Superman) dying.


                We used to get half decent 2D scrolling platform/beat em ups but then they would be bug riddled so you couldn't even finish them *groan*
                How do you mean? There were infinites and tap-supers which ruined vs challenges in certain versions but they were all very easy to finish. Marvel Super Heroes however was wicked in both single and VS play. Capcom have always made superb use of the licences I feel - Alien VS Predator is still superb now, Capcom's Predator was totally rock 'ard infact if that Predator was in the films it would have been worldwide carnage! The XMEN licence was used beautifully from day one - Children Of The Atom still looks, sounds and plays like a dream.

                Capcom's Dungeons and Dragons semi-RPG/scrolling beat em up was also a proper wicked game!


                  The Robocop arcade game rocked.


                    I remember the Amiga version of that Robocop arcade game, I loved playing on the original but this version was so flawed that the boss at the end of every level actually got easier as the stages progressed.

                    I agree Freedom Force was great, chucking cars and uprooting lamposts to 'thwack!' evil-doers around the head with; it was amusing and full of energy.

                    I also seem to remember Bioware saying something about an X-Men game, perhaps it's been temporarily shelved while they work on KOTR2 and Jade Empire.


                      I must admit I didn't even give COTA or XMvSF a thought when I put up my post - I was referring to the console (in my case Genesis) scrolling platform and the Konami (I think) arcade and the terrible 3D efforts.

                      It's the latest current console iterations which sadden me the most, such a terrific license and such a waste.

