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another shutoku bragging,games hardly playable with the pad

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    another shutoku bragging,games hardly playable with the pad

    I was shocked yesterday when watching shutoku 01 replays with the accelerator meter and the brake meter that it is simply impossible to do a "little brake" or a "little acceleration".

    I've been fiddling for about 2 hours, and even with minimum sensitivity,
    it's really hard.

    Is it better with a racing wheel?

    I remember days when you didn't have to setup your controller for hours to play a racing game. (sega rally, f zero x, battle gear 2 )

    I'm really bitter, why don't they put a sticker "unplayable with a pad, intended for racing wheel only"?

    What setup do you use to play? digital butons to accelerate and brake? right analog? I'm getting fed up with the right analog.

    I use the digital buttons to accellerate/brake, as the right analogue was too uncomfortable on extended play. Its playable with the digital buttons, the game is so forgiving on cornering that you can pretty much go full pelt around a corner and wall ride. If you wanted, you could adjust the brake sensitivity to give it a more delayed approach, personally I didnt worry to much about brakes as they were largely redundant. Enjoy the modifications though![/quote]


      this is the main problem of shutoku battle; it's too forgiving about wall bumps...

      so you can win while playing like a fool ft:


        I use the right stick method as I like a true analog feel, that and the pressure sensitive buttons just end up hurting my fingers cause I find myself pressing too hard. It's definitely a game that benefits from the use of a wheel, not just because it controls better, but for the fact it just enhances the feel of the game, though I rarely play it with my wheel cause it's just too much hassle to setup. Hopefully the rumours about the PS3 pad featuring triggers will be true.

        I agree that it's way too forgiving for collisions with walls, so forgiving that it makes the need to reinforce your car redundant. I would like to see something like post-race repair bills to feature in the next installment of the series, that makes it more difficult to save up for those monster motors if you're not careful.


          I totally agree with you, it's too easy defeating bosses by playing "dirty" ft:

          if you use the right analog, press select during replay to see accelerate and brake gauges:
          you will see that even with the less responsive settings, it's very hard to accelerate or brake a little !

          was it that bad on dreamcast already?

