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    Don't worry, I know there is a thread about thing you really should have discovered in games, but this is different.

    My brother (finally) decided to try two player Dynasty Warriors 3. Fair enough. I let him use my l33t character, and I choose some other bod. Slicing our way through enemies, as I explain the controls to him, he hits on this 'magic' button (the musou attach). I explain what it does, how having low health makes it more attractive and what-not. Having read the manual, I tell him that if you press circle at the same time, then you get some uber-musou attack. Ready, 3, 2, 1, go...

    The screen goes full-screen. Time freezes, the camera slowly pans round the two player characters, with the musou sound effect. This is gonna be good, you think to yourself. Wham, time unfreezes, and both characters go into a frenzy, slicing up around 200 enemies, with lightning everywhere, corpses piling up, and a huge smile on both our faces.

    "Holy ****!"

    Indeed. Has there ever been a moment in a game where you do something so amazing, so wondeful, that you can only say whoa! I don't mean cut-scenes, I mean actually doing it yourself. Like scoring a wonderful goal in PES. Like cleaving a whole pile on enemies in Viewtiful Joe without even touching the floor.

    Tell me. I'm sad like that, I want to know.

    Dynasty Warriors is indeed one of the most satisfying games around. Taking out over 1000 people in a single level is so cool

    Can't wait for Samurai Warriors to turn up this week...

    My recent "woah!" moment came from the Ninja Gaiden demo, when you pull off the mega-essence special. I've never seen so much ownage of a room full of enemies, it's awsome. Pulling it off when you actually mean too is damn cool also...


      For me it ain't that good but when i was in an Arcade can't remember which, n pulling off Sumon suffereing with Ivy to beat this guy on Soul Calibur 2. He complemented me on it n said it ws hard to do, so it must of impressed him, n his comment made me smile. Just to be able to pull it off under pressure makes me think woah!!.


        F-Zero GX, Story 7 - The F-Zero Grand Prix, Very Hard - 2'54"603.

        I thank you!


          Back in the day, mid-90s I think, I was playing Tecmo Super NBA Basketball - best basketball game ever made - alone one dark Winter afternooon.

          I had mastered it over weeks of great multi-player action. Though, I'd decided to test myself through the season mode in between.

          It happed during the playoffs. Critical game I just had to win to get to the finals. What a close game. I'd given up hope as I just couldn't stop the opposition on offense. We were even score throughout much of the 4th quarter.

          I'd resigned myself to a draw score by the final buzzer and was blocking on defense, taking the risk of keeping them in 3 point zone to keep the clock running.

          Then, it happened.

          With 3 seconds to go, a point guard stepped in a few yards and hit a perfect jump. I was 2 points down and not enough time left to even get far enough for a hapless half-court attempt. It had all come down to this.

          On the re-start, with a grin of resignation and a shake of the head, I did a quick pass and shoot to a guy under my basket. What the hell, might as well go down with a laugh.

          The screen went black for a second. Man, what a time to crash, I thought. Now this really was sad.

          Then, one of the cut scenes kicked in. What?! Not one I'd seen before. Close up of my player taking a shot from one end of the court, releasing the ball, which whooshed (in almost fireball like manner) across the black screen.

          Cut-scene over. Buzzer rings; 0 seconds on the clock. Ball crashes perfectly into the basket, having travelled the entire length of the court. 3 points. Game over.

          Just, 'Wow.' Having played the game for hundreds of hours, perfected it in multi-player mode, I sat there with jaws firmly resting on the ground. I thought I'd seen everything there was to see. Boy, had I been wrong. Tecmo smacked me in the face with a brilliant surprise in return for a last second all or nothing shot.

          No one to this day believes that this happened (well, amongst those who used to play it with me). I tried replicating it, but always missed, and never saw that cut-scene again. I'd never had, and subsequently never did score a full-court three pointer again.

          That is possibly my most unforgettable video gaming moment!


            Ah yes, this brings up one specific memory.

            Was playing Pro Evo 2 with a group of 5 mates. We set up a cup and began in our seperate little groups.

            Eventually everyone got knocked out until it was between me and another mate in the final. I scored after 35 minutes or so - headed in from a wicked cross on the right. Was looking like I was going to lift the trophy with 10 game minutes left.

            Then, via some slick passing, my chum ran through and dinked the ball into the bottom right corner to equalise. He had most of the momentum, and at the time I was resigned to at best having a penalty shoot-out. With 5 game minutes left, I kicked off and launched one final attack.

            With 1 game minute left, I got a corner on the right. I launched it into the area, where one of my player headed it back towards another of my strikers running in from outside the box. He took it on the knee, and then volleyed it off the underside of the bar and into the back of the net.

            This provoked the whole room to explode in some kind of shocked/excited cauldron. The match was over and I had won with a cracking goal.

            Never forgotten that . The tourney had lasted about 3 hours, so it was a quality way to finish it off .


              Many years ago I was playing Taito's Football champ against a mate of mine. It was near the end of a close game with the score at 1-1 one of my players went to take a shot, the screen went black and the words SUPER SHOT appeared. The player then proceeded to take a shot of such verocity that the keeper catches it and went flying back through the net!

              I've just learnt that:
              Super shot only happens in the last 30 seconds, if you are losing by 1 goal or tied, and only the team member you choose to play with kicks it.
              But at the time we had no idea!


                I think I haven't had a woah since Zelda came out months ago. It was the part where you first sink down into hyrule and its all in black and white. Stunning.

                For me it ain't that good but when i was in an Arcade can't remember which, n pulling off Sumon suffereing with Ivy to beat this guy on Soul Calibur 2. He complemented me on it n said it ws hard to do, so it must of impress him, n his comment made me smile. Just to be able to pull it off under pressure makes me think woah!!.
                Heh I have trouble doing it in practice mode, I couldn't imagine trying to fit it into REAL combat!


                  The last "whoa" I heard was ages ago.
                  When Capcom VS SNK first came out.
                  I'd been playing it for a good while, then friend got it.
                  We went VS and I was winning, of course.

                  So he's trying to save his last player, going all out.
                  He threw a fireball or something, just while I started a super to finish him off. I can't remember the name of it, but I got that big flashy ending where the ball spins around and everything goes blue. It's pretty easy to do, but he was totally amazed. He kept asking me to do it again and again.

                  MY last "Whoa" was a few days ago in Psyvariar 2 when I decided I should just blast thru fearlessly. I got over 1000 buzz on level 0 on my first try doing this. Nice


                    For some reason I can't really think of any off hand apart from burnout 2, we only had one controller but weren't playing crash, we were playing survival were if you crash you have to hand the control to the next person (even though you had to do it manually as there wasn't a game mode for it like in burnout1) I was playing big surf grove which I have dialled but it was so funny seeing peoples faces when I did the whole race perfectly with out crashing once and doing the whole race in on continuous burnout, got into the 30's and everyone was like I can do it easily by my self but when ever I'm infront of an audience I usually mess up.


                      Even though GE is my favourite game, and I've played lots of Halo and many other great games, the only time I've felt like that is, too, in a footie game, I was playing co-op on Fifa International (94 or 96, can't remeber - the first one) with a friend and we were 2-1 down on hard, (we'd decided not to resort to standing infront of the keeper :P) and not only did we score to equal, but similar to the PES example above, my friend then went and scored the winner like in literally the last second.


                        I have two of them, both from Pro ev 2:

                        First was when i was playin on my own, had just got the game and was in my second season as juventus. The ball broke to nedved on the wing and a quick double tap of the cross button made him dink it into the middle. From that saviola scissor kicked the ball onto the underside of the bar and then the inside of the post before it settled into the back of the net. My mouth stayed open for a full minute and i still have the reply on my memory card.

                        Second was during a Vs game, i was already two nil up with zidane lining up a free kick. After kicking it it took an almighty defelction off a member of the wall and nestled in the opposite corner of the net. Nothing spectacular but none of us had ever seen anything like it before.


                          Pro Evo 3, first match we ever played, for a laugh in the dying minutes I took a shot from just past the half way line, amazingly it went in havn't got a clue how I did it, and have never been able to do it since but we were all jus like "wtf jus happened?" don't think my hall m8 was too impressed tho, we were tied 1-1 and that was the last time that pad ever worked.


                            I've got a saved replay for WE6FE on Cube, Beckham on the right puts in a cross... except he didn't. Despite pressing X (to cross) he actually slices it slightly and it aims towards the near (right hand) post, catching the keeper completely off balance and it goes in past his despairing dive!

                            There's that and when I saw my brother goes round 7 people to score in a match on the same game...
                            Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                              Not a "Woah" moment but a fond memory similar to the basketball story.

                              When I was about 13/14 I was watching some younger kid playing Super Sidekicks in an arcade. He was losing 3-0 to Germany playing as England and when that 3rd goal went he he left the game in a huff, conceding the match. I waited till he was out of sight and then with 50 seconds on the in game clock I came back to win 5-3!

