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My Virtual On now works!!

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    My Virtual On now works!!

    Thanks to the tireless hard work of JibberX, Papercut and Saurian, my twin-sit-down Cyber Troopers Virtual On cabinet is now installed and working. What is more amazing is the fact that it has been sitting in a damp garage, in pieces, for several weeks and after re-assembling it worked first time!

    In any case, I feel it necessary to deeply thank these lovely guys for shifting 461 kg of arcade gaming up five flights of stairs AND sticking around to get it all working. ****ing legends!

    Show us pictures!

    And how much did it cost you?


      Ironically, it cost me less than buying VO:OT for the DC (plus TwinSticks). Cost-wise, transport all included, it was about 300 quid. Not bad going considering that the game was originally sold for about 12,000 smackaroos back in the day.

      I should also thank my two work collegues, Gary and Andy (the latter who is kindly "hosting" the machine until I have a home big enough of my own).

      Unfortuntely, or unbelievably, none of us had a camera on us. I will take a picture of it, in situ, at some point in the future however.


        Fantastic stuff! Next meet round at yours, methinks .

        Get some pictures up. I want to see this bad boy in action!


          Excellent !! I hope you can have lot's and lot's of fun with it !

          should be no problem I think




              To give you an idea, the cabinet is the same as the one in this flyer (except for a different marquee):

              The Arcade Flyer Archive (TAFA) offers a nostalgic collection of coin-operated machine ads, capturing a blend of history, graphic design trends and campaigns.

              The Arcade Flyer Archive (TAFA) offers a nostalgic collection of coin-operated machine ads, capturing a blend of history, graphic design trends and campaigns.

              Its absolutely huge. And heavy.

              Really. ****ing. Heavy.

              Theres more info about the hardware here:


                You say it was carried UP 5 flights? I thought due to the weight it would have to go in a garage or basement or something.... curious as I would like to get myself a Fighting Mania cabinet and the logistics of it baffle me.


                  Originally posted by Darwock
                  You say it was carried UP 5 flights?

                  Originally posted by Darwock
                  I thought due to the weight it would have to go in a garage or basement or something.... curious as I would like to get myself a Fighting Mania cabinet and the logistics of it baffle me.
                  We had to take it to pieces, then reassemble it. It took about 10 hours between 4 of us.


                    Which i had the skill, knowledge and imagination to come up with something like that.... the concept is heavy.


                      so what "actually" needed to be done to the cabinet? And how good condition was it in? Are you going to have to do anything to it? I often find that i like it to be a little bit rough so you can work on it and get some satisfaction from making it look nice and new.

                      apparently the novus range of cleaners/polish is excellent for cleaning cabs (its used mainly by pinball table ops) and its supposed to be amazing at getting scratches out of plastics etc....


                        I often find that i like it to be a little bit rough
                        Give me your phone number and I'll see what I can do...

                        Anyways, good stuff, Ollie. Looking forward to the pics ^^


                          Considering the machine was in a skanky pier in Bournemouth, it is in remarkably good condition. That being said, there is a fair bit that needs "tweaking"...

                          - The sound boards, we think, are knackered and need replacing.
                          - The motherboards need to be (very carefully) air dusted.
                          - There are a whole bunch of screws and bolts missing, nothing fatal but it might be an idea to get some replacements.
                          - Some wanker has byapassed the fuse, instead of simply changing it, this needs to be rectified.
                          - The sticks are a bit shaky on the 2P side (missing screws), these will be tweaked and most probably tuned too.
                          - Might change the strip light in the marquee to a UV one, a good idea from Saur actually, so I am looking forward to groovy skin cancer...

                          Bar that, the game works stunningly considering the age and wear of the machine.



                            Im home improvement loan abound for a nice Big games room with cabinets like that.

                            First things First, I need to buy a house.


                              Originally posted by Darwock
                              I thought due to the weight it would have to go in a garage or basement or something.... curious as I would like to get myself a Fighting Mania cabinet and the logistics of it baffle me.
                              I think he was talking about the weight being focused on a relativly small footprint, and the whole thing going through the floor...

                              Still good going - I hope free Kronenburgs were handed about for the diligent suc^H^H^H workers!

