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Zelda. what went wrong?

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    Zelda. what went wrong?

    ive had the wind waker for over a week now, and i have to say that im pretty damn bored with it. i had the Ocarina of time and i enjoyed every minute. but the wind waker is just too damn teadious and it just drags and drags with no real gameplay and exploration of the previous games.

    you just get moved from location to location having to do the most stupid tasks which totally veir of from what you are actually trying to do. for example, saving some creature which looks like a leaf from some woods, or taking a letter to some kid. what the hell? and i hated the part where you had to swing on ropes inside the pirate ship, now that was just teadious and boring.

    another thing, the game gives you far too much help, with over the top text giving you step-by-step instructions on where and what you have to do, rather than just giving the player a little freedom to go off and explore big areas like in the Ocarina of time and talk to people for clues like i decent RPG. its like all the thinking is done for you, and all you have to do is follow a set path which is dead easy to reach your goal, what is the point, there's no real gamplay here!

    apart from the above points, i really like the cel-shaded look. it gives a freah apperence to the game. but i would like a more realistic zelda to be released next time round.

    if i had to give the game a score it would be around 85% overall. its just flawed, im a big nintendo fan so im not just saying all this stuff to annoy anyone, just my opinion of the game. this is why the 'Big N' are losing fans!


    I'm ing every minute of it so far.


      maybe your just looking for something different from a game now, cause it has been a few years since OOT


        I cant get enough of it!

        I love finding all the little leaf people - he should be able to smoke em after he helps them tho, see the thanks he gets?

        The whole game feels like a playground where you can make Link do whatever, loving it so much more I can understand all the side quests.

        Maybe a change of genre will make you feel better blud? - anything you dont play but want to learn for example?


          What went wrong? bugger all m8, ur jus becoming a miserable git in your old age

          I'm loving it personally feels alot more magical than OOT did, with far more to do and see. As said in a different post. Maybe you're just lookin for something different in a game these days


            i think what i find really bad about the game is that its a blatent update of the ocarina of time, but its a worse game which is what annoys me.

            i cant see how the game is like a playground, there's no where to go, each location is a a small island on which you must perform set tasks.

            when you start on outset island all you can do is wonder around taking to random people who just chat nonsense. there is no places of real exploration in the game


              I'm hating the cameras love of sticking to Link's head when in a tense, tight roomed battle. Thats a BIG flaw.

              But I'm pretty much loving everything else.


                Originally posted by gamelife
                i think what i find really bad about the game is that its a blatent update of the ocarina of time, but its a worse game which is what annoys me.

                i cant see how the game is like a playground, there's no where to go, each location is a a small island on which you must perform set tasks.

                when you start on outset island all you can do is wonder around taking to random people who just chat nonsense. there is no places of real exploration in the game
                OoT was the same but has a field instead of an ocean.

                The real truth behind your post is that you want a "More Realistic" Zelda next time. The Realistic argument is sooo flawed when you consider the Story behind LoZ and the previous games.

                Legend Of Zelda is NOT Conan The Barbarian. Its the tale of a young boy coming of age and defeating evil against all odds.


                  quote, "Maybe you're just lookin for something different in a game these days "

                  well isn't that what gamings all about? looking forward to playing something different, maybe nintendo has just run out of ideas. its like their taking gaming backwards not forwards.


                    Originally posted by Smeghead
                    Magical. That's the word I'm looking for!



                      maybe your right, but would'nt you prefer the same? i just want more realistic ideas and conceps with more focused interaction with the characters. i just get bored talking to all the diferent people without realy gaining anything other than stupid talk. surely nintendo can come up with better quests and story line than the wind waker? i want a solid zelda game where you, the player has too think and serch around , you know, using your brain would be good. i can complete zelda in my sleep its that easy



                        Not all games have to be wildly different to be enjoyable

                        A known formula executed well and revised to knock out anything not wanted is a good way to go. I think the best thing developers can do now is take established genres and give them a new twist. For example PN03 is a scrolling shoot em up done extremely well in 3D, Psyvariar is a top scrolling shoot em up like ay other but it's game system turns the whole concept on it's head. VF4 Evo isnt wildly different from the rest of the series - just revised to near perfection with THE BEST single player mode yet seen in a beat em up.



                          i see what you mean, but i think it would be good for big changes to a game. it just keeps them freash and innovative.

                          like mario sunshine, i really enjoyed it. but it was flawed by it being a worse update of mario 64.

                          im really keeping my fingers crossed that nintendo unveil both new mario and zelda games at E3. with a new look and new ideas to each of the games.



                            Topping OOT was always going to be impossible though. I mean when I went back to the Bonus Disk game I even had a strange feeling of disappointment, because I knew everything already... that's the main problem WW faced, over familiarity.

                            Having the islands has "modularised" it a bit too much perhaps, that's a valid argument. Before the areas didn't feel as seperate, they were all part of one big world. Now it is "this island for a dungeon, this one for shopping"..etc

                            I still think WW is great though. And the graphics are fantastic.


                              some people are never happy.

                              Innovation for innovations sake does not equal a good game. Who cares if its similar to Zelda. Halo is similar to previous fps games, but it doesnt stop it being damn good.

