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First ever game you really got into?

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    Originally posted by salacious crumb
    By the way played impossible mission for the first time in ages the other day and its still great.
    This was one of the first games I got into. C64 version... still one of the greatest games ever made. Sequel is pretty decent too, but not quite as good.
    Lie with passion and be forever damned...


      The first game that I really got into was Kingdom on the beeb welcome tape. After that, I guess it would be the first lot of text adventures that came out for it (Sphinx Adventure etc.).

      I did have Adventure on my Atari 2600. I remember finding it quite easy on the first game, but on a harder level you had to find you way around a maze in the dark. I never made it through the maze and simply gave up - well, I was only about 7 then!


        I cant remember exactly which one came first , but its either F1GP on the amiga or jetpac on the vic 20, these were my favourite games for years (4-7) before i got myself a nes


          I was introduced to gaming via Manic Miner.


            My dad was working on the local newspaper way back when.. and got hold of a copy of Fantasy World Dizzy from the Darling Brothers

            This was an amazing game for me at the time - you could hold THREE ITEMS AT ONCE ! WOW !

            Before that it was probably Ghostbusters on the speccy - completed it a gazillion times. Easily


              I think it was some cartridge based game on the Dragon 32. Can't remember its name unfortunately. Or (m)any details for that matter. But I do remember spending a lot of time playing it. I think it was set inside a prison....

              Next up would be the first Repton game on the BBC Micro. And then Elite. Elite being the big gaming love of my life


                atic atac/sabre wulf/manic miner and monty mole all on 48k speccy

                pats pc emu and still playing em 2day


                  I used play the Qix arcade machine at my local chippie alot. I was only 5 at the time. It's funny. I outgrew that game quite quickly. Even Gal Panic's scantily clad school girls can't make me enjoy that genre any more.


                    Arcade.....Rolling Thunder, loved this game to death, spent loads of money on it too, but still was rubbish
                    Console, i would guess at Wonder Boy III. I dont remember playing a game so much, or having the urge to complete a game before this.
                    On C64 i just played games a bit, never really thought about games having endings back then.


                      My first game that I got in to was probably sonic on the megadrive, after that it was, golden axe,shinobi,streets of rage and some wierd shooting game that I never really understood


                        Head over heels for the Amstrad CPC 464. I love that game and it still stands up today as a great game. The Dizzy series were very special too.

                        Console wise, probably Marioworld as the SNES was the 1st console I got.


                          Star Raiders on the Atari 400 back in '81/'82.

                          Then Alternate Reality on the 800XL a few years later. God I spent so much time playing that game. It hardly gets a mention these days.


                            Probably one of the following (all on BBC)

                            Cylon Attack
                            Starship Command

                            I can't remember which came first but i loved them all.


                              Mazogs on the good ol ZX81.

                              Now that was gaming.


                                Night Hunter on the Aquarius.

