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Another name the game (C64)

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    Another name the game (C64)

    This time, on the C64

    When I was kid I used to play on a text+graphics adventure game. Basically you had to go into a castle and kill the resident vampire. I seem to remember being scared sh#tless by the music on this game. I've been looking for it everywhere just to see whether the music is now a joke. The only bits I can remember are that there was a sort of mill room with a ladder in it that you went into. You had to walk out of the room, go back in and hey presto one of the rungs of the ladder was on the floor for you to pick up. You used the rung later as a key to the drawbridge (I think?!).

    Any takers?

    Dracula by CRL?
    Lie with passion and be forever damned...


      I think he might be thinking of Castle of Terror by Melbourne House.


      Short description from

      "Castle of Terror
      Type: Drawn graphics/Music/DG/MUSIC/animation Written 1984 by Grahame Willis.
      Runs on:
      Commodore 64

      Notes: Divided into two parts (the second one loaded automatically when you entered the castle; there was no turning back then). Had graphics for all rooms, but I don't think they were necessary in more than a few places. Infamous game (to my knowledge, no one has _ever_ managed to save the princess _and_ kill the count - but the discussion has gone on for years!) Parser capable of commands such as: "GET AXE AND LAMP AND PUT THEM IN SACK".
      Comments: You volunteer to save a maiden in distress from the castle of a vampire count. "

