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Combining the Home and the Arcade

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    Combining the Home and the Arcade

    How's this for an idea thought of whilst in the bath.

    A different way to experience games, in a more social way. You set up a venue, similar enough to a bar/pub/restaurant in the respect you sell drink (alcohol) and food (munchie type food, not proper cuisine).

    The difference being that without going to the extremity of having seperate rooms, you segregate parts of the venue, with each part housing a very nice AV set-up along with comfy sofas and that kinda stuff. Y'know what i mean, surround sound - set up properly, a big, widescreen television, and then the three major consoles ready to be played, with the latest games. I.e. The type of set-up the average gamer doesn't have, or can't have, due to financial reasons.

    Maybe you could capitalise on having the latest import releases available. Or alternatively, you could hold monthly competitions on Halo or Super Monkey Ball.

    I don't know if'd i want to go somewhere like this on a friday or saturday night in between pubs, or on the way to a club. but it's an interesting idea.

    Are games mainstream enough for something along these lines? What does everyone else think? is the kinda thing you'd like to see? would you use such a venue? is there a market for it?

    I don't know how you'd work out a pricing scheme, per game? per player? per hour?

    Thoughts, comments, criticism more than welcome.

    A Gaming Cafe/Gamesbar?

    I've noticed an Xbox logo outside our local Laser Quest/LAN Lounge, might pop in see if they got owt rigged up.

    I think an open place to play the latest console games would be great, not sure how food would mix with em tho no one likes a greasy pad. But go down for a drink or 2 with a few m8s, grab a bite to eat then hit a console for multiplayer fun, could be cool.


      I think I remember seeing a similar thing on TV where they were playing Samba De Amigo on a big screen.

      They probably dont charge for playing the games, but might have a fixed price at the door, or just make the money from the sale of drinks.


        Somebody should take this idea into practice. Then we'd see how successful it would be!


          can you see people actually going though? I'm sure if it was nice enough and had the right marketing you could attract a nice clientele of the 18 - 30 age range. But (with all due respect) how would it go down with the ladies? I can see it working but being very male oriented, probably too male oriented.


            Most of the sturdy arcade machines in pubs I visit are in a poor state. Broken controls, beer stains all over them. It might work in Japan but people are too busy drinking in Irish pubs. A console wouldn't last 5 minutes.

            In a cafe atmosphere the place would be full of punk 13 year olds with no manners hogging the controls.

