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Golden Sun 2!!!

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    Golden Sun 2!!!

    Anybody know anything about the story of Golden Sun 2? I know felix is in it, he's the main character I think. Thanks in advance.

    I can't seem to get excited about this game. The graphics on the original were wonderful but the gameplay was generic and the story was weak. I'd pick one of the Genesis Shining games over it anyday.


      theres a rom currently availabel and Felix is in the new game. However from what I've played it's the same as the original


        Yeah, the impression i was given it was just like a game that was too big to put on a gba cart, so they split it into so many releases.
        So rather than having improvements, its just a continuation of the story..which if you enjoyed it, aint such a bad thing


          Yeah, the game isn't going to be any graphical improvement but i think it will be a good game to play, the original was really good but i just didn't enjoy it as much as i thought i would, i think this game will be better than the first in some way


            That seems to be a shame. The most successful RPG franchises apply the "same again but with a slightly diferent twist" idea to their play mechanics, and I really don't see GS's battle mechanics staying fresh for a second title, wonderful as the original was. The idea of djinn customisation was avaiable but the idea wasn't balanced well enough to reward the player for experimenting - penalties on stats and HP/MP were balanced poorly, in my opinion.

            GS would have to build a lot to make the sequel worthwile. The original was great, but really didn't push the envelope too far. IT was good enough to ake a solo title but not to base a whole series on that core mechanic. Unfortunately it doesn't look like anything will have changed. Better judgement prevented me from getting the Japanese language import but I don't think they changed too much.


              I cannot wait for this game, I the original. If it was on a console then i probably would like it as much, but its because its a handheld game Its little flaws dont bother me as much, I'm especialy excited because of the link up aspect between the first and second game, not that i think it will change much in the game .


                i'm still looking forwarrd to it...and trying to get the kickuchimonji sword (or whatever it's called) on the first one.....damn that takes ages, anyone know a good tactic to get it?


                  I don't think this is meant to be a sequel as freedan said earlier its like Golden sun:continued rather than a true sequel. I think if GS:LA sells well then they might consider a sequel, or there might even be another one in production now. Aren't camelot doing a GC RPG as well?

