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Starwars Galaxies

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    Starwars Galaxies

    Loosely construed as import gaming discussion as the game is due out on consoles. I'm more concerned with the PC version, though.

    Anyway, I'm part of a MMORPG at the moment called Jumpgate (pretty much online Elite), however I've been keeping my eye on Galaxies for quite some time now. It sounds ideal to me: I'm a staunch SW fan, getting quite into this mmorpg business of late, etc.

    Really, I was wondering if anyone else here is pondering playing? I've been reading released FAQs today on the official site and the thought that's gone into it is spectacular. It would take me all day to explain it here.

    I've just registered as a beta tester though, on the off chance that my name comes out of the hat.

    Can't wait.

    i too am waiting eagerly for this game

    I played the MMORPG Asherons Call for a while and it is very adictive

    I signed up to beta test this bad boy bout a year ago and heard nothing

    But its due out soon i belive so we can all share in the fun


      I really really want to play it, but I just don't know if I want to give the amount of time over that this will require. I mean, I already have so many games that I need to play and finish. It's ridiculous. So then how can I justify getting an endless game like Galaxies?


        Apparently, it's being structured such that the casual player can still take part. For anyone interested, I would suggested giving the official [ur=]FAQs[/url] a damn good read (note: it will take a while).


          Ive been signed up for the betas for a while now, however Ive a feeling my computer wont run it.
          But Im thinking this is the game Im going to upgrade for. Ive looked into it a bit and it looks like it will be the best thing ever.


            I am scared of this game - the potential that it could take over my life Sad that you won't be able to own your own ships to begin with though (last I heard) - is that still scheduled for an 'expansion pack' ? I guess a lot of people will be disappointed when their characters aren't force-sensitive too, most people will be playing in the hope of becoming a Jedi.... at least I know I will. Still, if that doesn't happen, bounty hunter it is!


              My pc at home will never run this - hence I'm eagerly waiting for the console version (XB being my choice). It just looks amazing - like has been said here.
              My choice of char ; gotta be a bounty hunter with cool armour. No helmet tho - gotta have a scar on one side of me face


                Ahhh I have just come from reading SWG forums on stratics and thought about making a topic on this game and I find one already!

                I have been registered for BETA since last year and had no luck either, you guys know you have to pay for the BETA CD's if you even get selected don't you? You do...

                EvilMatt, Vehicle and Space travel is restricted to public transport until the Space Expansion is out (bout 6 months after the primary game)

                I have just seen some videos from E3 2002 of the game, and one of them showed some guy walking around his own house, the commentator guy said it was the biggest house in the game, and he went onto the roof and saw a starship thing land outside his house, it was damn cool!

                My hope is to be a pilot (Space Expansion) but till then I'm thinking about being a Trandoshan Teras Kasi (martial arts) bloke but been hearing I will get shot up by blasters a whole lot but got enough time to change my mind still, game aint out for weeks.

                ****. I know too much about this game way too early, that's gonna do my head in...


                  I'm going to be playing it despite the fact that Everquest and Dark Age of Camelot severly hampered my University and professional career.

                  I'll probably order it with super high speed delivery so I can make sure I get the name I want.

                  Does anyone know if its going to get a 'proper' international release? Or will it be like most high profile MMORPGs with a US release and US based servers and no international release for months.

                  I managed to play EQ and DAOC from New Zealand on dialup with no real lag issues so I'm guessing that it will be absolutely fine from here on Cable even if there are no European servers.


                    Cant wait for this game. Have it on preorder at DVDBO. Just hope itll run fine on my GF3Ti200 as I havent the cash for a GFX upgrade right now!


                      Am i the only person to think the whole atmosphere of the game (which imo is an integral part of the experience) will be completely ruined by people wandering around with names like v4d3r_k1ll3r and such like?


                        Read the FAQ....that wont be happening


                          Originally posted by vic_viper
                          Am i the only person to think the whole atmosphere of the game (which imo is an integral part of the experience) will be completely ruined by people wandering around with names like v4d3r_k1ll3r and such like?
                          That won't happen, the names will be screened to make sure you don't get people playing as DArK11!!Lord3785


                            Thank god someone is saving us from l33t phr34ks. I hate them with a burning purple passion.


                              In that case sign me up.

