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What's a fanboy ?

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    What's a fanboy ?

    I'm new to this videogame malarky but I was talking to someone on the IGN boards the other day and as soon as I pointed out that I had a PS2 and my favourite game on it was Fifa 2003 I was labled a 'fanboy'.

    They wouldn't tell me what it means, so can anyone put me straight ?


    i think it's someone who loves say sony and hates the xbox and gamecube. and who allways loves the games even if they are crap.

    thanks what i think it is


      An extreme fan or follower of a particular medium or concept, whether it be sports, television, film directors, video games (the most common usage), etc. Known for a complete lack of objectivity in relation to their preferred focus. Usually argue with circular logic that they refuse to acknowledge. Arguments or debates with such are usually futile. Every flaw is spun into semi-virtues and everything else, blown to comedic, complimentary proportions. Known for using the phrase "Object of affection = Best Ever" However, while people only really say that as hyperbole, fanboys truly believe it. Troll the internet to spread the gospel. Insult/chastise others for using public forums to express an objective opinion, no matter how constructive or, respectful it may be. (Go ahead and admit that it's a good game/movie/etc. This fact and anything else will be promptly ignored in favor of cherry picking the negative, and beating you over the head with it. Tend to resort to petty annoyance replies when backed against the wall. Usually grammar attacks and non-replies.

      That do ya?


        Did you, perchance, rant and rave about how FIFA 'pwned j00', and how no other system could possibly handle it, before rounding it all up by stating that the PS2 is the greatest console in existance, and then using a couple of derogatory misspellings of rival console names to prove your point?

        If so, you're a fanboy.

        If not, they're all womb-brooms.

        Wait... did you say IGN?


          Dont worry about what they say on IGN, welcome to the forum.

          The exact definition of a fanboy can be found in any thread in this forum by BungiePeterRare&Odd.


            Thanks for the Urban Dictionary link I think this line pretty much sums up most of the IGN posters.

            'teh HEMMOROID PRIME is ****! halo is awesome i have plaeyed it nonstop since like 1994. snes is horrible why do poeple like it, the graphis in halo are bettar so much'

            The bloody hypocrites!


              Originally posted by Saurian
              The exact definition of a fanboy can be found in any thread in this forum by BungiePeterRare&Odd.
              The man speaketh the truth (even though some of BPR&O's post can be useful).


                You have it all wrong man!

                It's more like:
                '+EH h3mM0R01D pR1me 15 $hi+! h4LO I$ @We50m3 1 H4v3 Pl@eyeD 1+ noNs+0P siNc3 lIkE 1994. 5n35 i5 H0rR1bl3 Why DO P0EpLE LIK3 1T, +3H gr4pHi5 IN hAl0 4r3 bET+4r $0 MUCH'


                  Heh, I prefer:

                  see sony roolz.
                  ...from the dictionary. Maybe I should submit BungiePeterRare&Odd as another alternative?


                    Wouldn't it be great if Fanboys were forced to abide by Victorian social strictures? The insults would be far more entertaining, and there'd be no ends of duels to the death and such.

                    It'd be fantastic.

                    And so much more gentlemanly.


                      That online dictionary is awesome! Read this one...

                      Wapanese is the term used to describe a person of non-japanese descent (usually white, however some others are lumped in there as well) who is incredibly obsessed with Japanese things. A person who watches anime or majors in Japanese language at university is not counted as wapanese. These are common behaviours displayed by wapanese: 1. Being obsessed with anime. The typical anime watcher enjoys the shows because they are fun to watch and interesting (not all are for children, that is a myth). However, wapanese will take it to an unhealthy level. 2. Their rooms will be filled with japanese things. Anything from anime stuff to japanese things such as Tatami. A true wapanese will have next to nothing non-japanese in their room. 3. Many wapanese will believe that Japan is the best country ever and that if they go there they will be adored. However, most wapanese don't understand that Japan is a very racist society and they don't like white people very much. 4. They will constantly post things on the internet containing a few of the japanese words they know. These words are usually: kawaii and baka. These words will be used in an english sentence such as: "You are so baka" 5. Many wapanese will develope an unhealthy obsession with asian girls/guys. Many of them will refuse to be with someone who isn't japanese. 6. wapanese tend to spend all of their time watching anime, reading manga and listening to japanese music. A lot of them are unemployed and live at home with their parents (some are students, some are over 30). The ones who do have jobs, have very poor jobs, such as working at a supermarket. 7. Wapanese listen to tons of japanese music but will refuse to listen to anything non-japanese. They also tend to say that non-japanese music is crap while the japanese music is godly. However, most wapanese tend to listen to Japanese Pop which can be very, very similar to non-Japanese pop. 8. Many wapanese do cosplay. However, many normal anime watchers cosplay as well. However, wapanese tend to overdo it and act very elitist at conventions. 9. Most wapanese know very little about Japan. They don't look past the anime and whatnot. Most wapanese don't know anything about Japan's history. However many wapanese will pretend to know what they are talking about, however they tend to be incorrect. 10. Wapanese also tend to butcher the language (besides using them in english sentences). A good example is the meaning of otaku. The wapanese will use it to describe themselves, however most don't realize that otaku in Japan means you are very mentally unstable. Otaku in Japan are looked down upon and ridiculed.


                        lol wot do u mean u liek ps2 cos ps2 sux cos it has bad grafx and they brake all the tiem. got no gud games ether. who wants 2 play on a ps2 when they hav an xbox and can play halo, pgr2 n motogp wit ****in great grphx. i mean just compare pgr2 n gt3. pgr2 pwns it to the grnd in evry way lol u sux



                          **** Saurian beat me too it


                            Originally posted by James Harvey
                            That online dictionary is awesome!
                            I can think of some people on this forum for whom that entire list of points under 'Wapanese' probably apply .


                              @ DjSatansfury and Saurian

                              Funny cos its true

