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Gaming needs more of this...

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    Sorry - accidental double post


      Originally posted by Marvelon
      I'm just glad to come across someone who listens to Aphex, they're a rare kind .
      Yup, it was the creative output of artists like this I mroe or les had in mind when I started this thread. It's a shame most people seem to automatically equate 'licensed music' with 'top 40 drivel' though.


        Originally posted by Marvelon
        (there s a video by chris cunningham to one of the songs on that album)
        Come On My Selector, some amazing editing in that video.


          It's set in a japanese childrens mental hospital or something, i've only seen it on internet download so never very clearly... Cunningham is amazing though, his videos are all good.. Windowlicker, Come to daddy, and Madonna's Frozen are all great. Did you know he also did the Playstation advert with the girl with the Big eyes?


            Yeah, that's a good video.


              Originally posted by Squirtle1
              Is Philip Glass alive? If so, his.
              PG is alive and well, such as that is. The dungeon themes in the NES Legend of Zelda always sounded like his repetitive electronic stuff to me.

              I doubt I represent the bulk of the game-buying demographic (early 30s, weaned on Galaxian, Space Invaders, and Asteroids) but I must admit it was the 80s soundtracks that sold me not only on Vice City but also the Activision Anthology (Atari 2600 games on PS2)!

              I agree that it seems like most game music is already licensed. I would buy a game that did something interesting with the score, such as using classical music, jazz, or something more along the lines of the "interactive music" of Zelda and Rogue Leader, except with higher quality instruments.

              A classier version of something like Mad Maestro (with better music and less cartoony graphics) would sell at least one copy -- to me! But alas, I really liked the sales bombs Space Channel 5 parts 1 and 2, and most of these companies seem to want to make money.

