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Sammy's Atomiswave - Thoughts?

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    Sammy's Atomiswave - Thoughts?

    I've just been browsing some online stores, when I've seen the Atomiswave kit for sale. Comes with Guilty Gear Asuka, Dolphin Blue or Demolish Fist. Has anyone got any hands-on experience with any of these games?

    I'm seriously considering one of these.

    Just tell me it's not worth ?400

    Dolphin Blue Wasn't that done by the original Metal Slug team.


      Dolphin Blue is great but short lived, Guilty Gear Isuka is great and everlasting if you like that sort of thing, but Demolish Fist is complete cock.

      Atomiswave looks like a nice bit of kit, but when all the current home consoles completely overpower it, I cannot see the point in owning one. Then again, I can't see the point in hunting down Neo Geo machines now, even though some people do. Each to their own.

      The problem is that just to play your games past the attract mode (VGA port and RCA audio jacks are a nice extra on Atomiswave/Naomi) you'll be spending another ?400 on a decent non-****ty JAMMA cab or ridiculous sums of money on a Supergun unless you are already kitted out.

      But think - ?400 will get you a SICK amount of home games that last a hell of a lot longer than any straight arcade title. As a collectors item though, its not too shabby, but bear in mind that ?400 will get you a gorgeous Naomi 2 GD-ROM system and a game second hand...



        Totally agree that is worth every penny of ?400. Will it just plug into a regular TV?
        Im not that clued up on things like that.


          Originally posted by edandersen
          but when all the current home consoles completely overpower it, I cannot see the point in owning one.
          Hmm yeah, I think that feeling is my blood boiling.


            If you've really got 400 quid literally burning a whole in your pocket then why not. But..... I can think of far better ways to spend 400 quid!


              BUY IT BUY IT BUY IT BUY IT

              The graphics in that game look incredible! Do it Boog, you can afford it. 400 pounds, that's like what, 3 horses?


                Originally posted by paveynick

                Totally agree that is worth every penny of ?400. Will it just plug into a regular TV?
                Im not that clued up on things like that.
                You need either:
                • Jamma cabinet. Wide variety to choose from, anything from a ****ty ?50 Electrocoin piece of wank to a shiny new Naomi cabinet will do.
                • Supergun. Even mass produced factory jobs cost like ?200.. it just wires the Jamma connector to your telly so you can play in low-quality graphics mode (standard interlaced stuff, although there is the seperate VGA out for nice prog scan) and provides you with power and controls and stuff. Only horribly hairy "retro" bearded blokes who run smelly retro outfits hand make them now. I'm just bitter because they charge so much.
                • DIY skillz. The machine has a VGA port and audio outputs - you'll just need to wire up a power supply and hack a Dreamcast stick or something together for the controls.

                Or you could just buy ?400 worth of home games and be proud.


                  Replace Demolish Fist with The Rumblefish and you got yourself a deal!


                    I'm really tempted by Isuka, Dolphin Blue and Rumble Fish but I don't have the space for a cab or teh skillz to get it working with my Supergun set-up. Plus I'd like to see how Playmore get on as I don't think they can handle new hardware. KOF Neowave looks ****e.


                      Hmm I've been looking at that too recently.

                      I suppose the only advantage over a naomi is that it is "nearly" JAMMA, so will plug straight in to my Supergun without any dicking around. Plus cartridges are just cool period.

                      I've seen them cheaper on ebay, but mostly from a very dodgy seller in the states, so they could be boots.


                        I don't care about other games. Isuka just looks too good, I NEED ONE OF THESE!!

                        We also really need a Supergun article, as I have zilch knowledge of what I'd need to get this running.


                          It's being written... ^_^


                            See, Ed summoned MD...

                            Only horribly hairy "retro" bearded blokes who run smelly retro outfits hand make them now.
                            ...and he appeared!


                              If you buy an Atomiswave you're a complete twat with too much money. Isuka is coming to PS2 so why buy the arcade version?? There are a few games that haven't been ported but they didn't for a reason: they're ****.

