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Would you still play videogames...

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    Would you still play videogames...

    ... if you didn't have access to a gaming community?

    I'm sitting here at work flicking through the website, thinking about getting my PS2 chipped for Psyvariar and I've just realised that I've spent more time this week reading games magazines and browsing games sites than actually playing games.

    I also remember coming back from holiday last summer having completely lost my appetite for gaming and resolving to do "better things".

    Do you reckon you'd move on if you didn't have contact with other likeminded people? I would.

    I'd probably spending more time playing what I've got, instead of drooling over screens of things to come talking about them rather than playing current games...


      Experience says no. I have continued with gaming as a hobby since 1983 as it flitted in and out of fashion both generally and with friends.

      But, some infomed opinion does allow me to try things out and keep it fresh.


        I'm with Smeghead, I too would probably spend more time playing older games.

        <feels like playing Alundra but can't due to new games>


          I only access the forum (and other websites) while I'm skiving off work


            I'd still play, but the hype generated around games on sites such as these does do a lot. If it weren't for such sites, I would never have even considered a rythm action games, or other such diverse genres.

