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GBA to GC connectivity: Why so panned?

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    Originally posted by Brats
    Lightguns cost around ?15 if you shop around. Three GBAs will cost me ?90 if I shop around.
    Then don't buy 3 GBAs. You only have two hands.

    But you're all missing the point. The main difference is this: If I want to play a lightgun game without a lightgun, I can. Even though the experience is not as good, I can do it. If I want to play Samba without the Maraccas, the game lets me. However, if I want to play Four Swords without GBA's I can't, even though technically I should be able to.

    That is just cynical marketing.
    I do see youur point, but feel it's more to do with wanting the games to be played the way they were designed.

    Now Metroid Prime's use OTOH, that's what I call cynical marketing.


      I accept that using GBAs is the way Four Swords is meant to be played, but how about including an option for both?

      Now here's an thought. Imagine a parrelel universe where Four Swords can be played using controllers: I invite three mates round. We all play Four Swords. I use a GBA, they all use controllers. They are impressed by the GBA connectivity and try it out for themselves. They like it! They try some native GBA games. They like them too! Enough they go and buy one each! Nintendo sell three new GBAs (and not second hand models that don't give them any profit).

      Sadly that will never happen.


        Originally posted by Brats
        The previews of Four Swords showed small circular screens tucked away in the corners when a player went underground or in a house. People who played the preview code said it worked fine.
        Erm I might be missing something but those "circular screens" were about as big as the Zelda sprite and were NEVER meant to be a way to play the GBA sections without a GBA. They just give the other players a hint at what their partner/opponent is up to. AND they are still in the game from what I have heard.

        Nintendo never dropped non gba multiplayer support - It just never existed. A few preview sites assumed it did due to the screen showing the gba opening up with multiple links on screen but failed to realise that this was the single player game in which you still use multiple links.


          You can hit L button on the GBA to bring up those screens too - they are quite small and wouldnt be of much use for movement in different areas.


            Hmmm, maybe I've been feeling like I've been stitched up like kipper when in fact I haven't. I'll check the previews I saw again when I get home (can't access them at work). If you're correct, then it does shed a whole new light on the Four Swords thing.

            Anyone know where I can some cheap GBAs?


              Mayhem's description sounds like the kind people who wouldn't be playing 4SW+ yet anyway

              Split screen would've totally ruined some parts of 4SW+ though, especially boss fights or where you need to see the larger map. Same applies to Shadow Battle and Tetra's Trackers.

              I think all the connectivity stuff is great. There are only a handful of games that support it and no gamer should be without a GBA. You even get a link cable with a couple of titles so you gotta go out of your way to avoid using one

              Does the link cable fit into a GBA player? Possible to use a GC/GBA player+TV combo instead of a GBA? Heh, that'd be cool


                Originally posted by Commander Marklar
                Mayhem's description sounds like the kind people who wouldn't be playing 4SW+ yet anyway
                That's the thing... they want to. Well at least when the US version comes out (as a lot of them have Freeloader for example). But going onto the other quote here...

                Originally posted by Commander Marklar
                There are only a handful of games that support it and no gamer should be without a GBA.
                They aren't dedicated hardcore gamers like you or I would be. They play regularly but aren't the sort of people who would for example, hunt out exclusive Japanese releases, play something until they beat it 100% or buy something the day of release. They are higher up the "food chain" than casual gamers though

                They just don't see why Nintendo couldn't have designed the game so it could be played with controllers and not just GBAs...

                Hold on... I'll go grab some quotes from them...

                "The point is that Nintendo have ensured that it won't work without the GBAs. It's not a universal constant .... the GBAs aren't necessary because of the force of gravity .... Nintendo have chosen to force their customers to buy GBAs to play this multiplayer game. You can't just say "it's necessary because of the gameplay" - they made damn sure the game play would require it, and they didn't have to. Its ****ing evil marketing. What's more, it's greedy and shortsighted - instead of Nintendo draining everyone's pockets, like they think they're going to, all they're going to do make people think "**** it, I'll have a different console". That's what everyone's complaining about."

                "It would have been playable if they wanted it to. just a different game. you're thinking of this zelda game, and how it wouldn't work any other way. but if they'd designed it differently, it would have been as good as their past hits. It's like now, nintendo look at the hardware they have and see how they can designa game that incorporates all of their hardware and forces the consumers to buy it all. Sales led programming, not games led. "

                "I don't care, the point being I am not paying ?40 for a game then being expected to pay ?80 for a controller and expecting my mates to pay the same. I don't care if it works better, or makes a better game or if jesus pops up every ten minutes and tells me that my ears are much better then his. Multiplayer gaming is meant to be fun and accessable."
                Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                  That is a very cynical view. Nintendo have provided plenty of single AND multiplayer content for the Gamecube that DOESN'T require a GBA link. And they have provided some software to make use of the GBA link IF people want to do so. I haven't got a GBA therefore I have not got hold of Pacman Vs, Final Fantasy or Four Swords. If I wanted to I could buy Four Swords for the single player hyrule adventure - But I will wait till it is a tenner.

                  I can think of plenty of other games that are worthless or without multiplayer if you don't have online capability. This is no different.


                    Another thing (excuse me if it has already been mentioned) - the GBA is hardly an ideal controller. Small Dpad, and not nearly as comfortable as the usual GC controller. As people have said, the light thing is an issue. It's a pain to have to have enough lights turned on in the room to see the GBA screen.

                    What is up with the cost of the link cables? My friend paid ten pounds in game for one. Now, I know they can be had cheaper, and you can get a third party one, but still. It all just seems like another way to make money (which of course it is). This is especially the case with games where you unlock extras by simply owning the GBA. Pharaps Nintendo could start selling a plastic key that you push into the GC to add extra features to your games?


                      Originally posted by Pie
                      Another thing (excuse me if it has already been mentioned) - the GBA is hardly an ideal controller. Small Dpad, and not nearly as comfortable as the usual GC controller. As people have said, the light thing is an issue. It's a pain to have to have enough lights turned on in the room to see the GBA screen.
                      With all due respect; WTF!? How many lights do you need to see one little screen?

                      It sounds as though the fault is your eyesight and not the GBA's screen!

                      Seriously, though one main light is all you need if you don't own an SP.

                      As for the D-pad, it's fine on the games I mentioned in the first post.

                      What is up with the cost of the link cables? My friend paid ten pounds in game for one. Now, I know they can be had cheaper, and you can get a third party one, but still. It all just seems like another way to make money (which of course it is). This is especially the case with games where you unlock extras by simply owning the GBA. Pharaps Nintendo could start selling a plastic key that you push into the GC to add extra features to your games?
                      My link cable cost me a fiver. I don't normally do 3rd party at all, but as it's just a cable, it really wasn't a big deal, IMO.

                      As I said before, though I can't understand how anyone could make all this fuss about paying a little extra for a cable and a GBA (IF they don't already have one, that is), yet not bat an eyelid paying to get set up for online play.


                        Aye, I agree with this...

                        That is a very cynical view.
               matter how many smart, tight-fisted hippy quotes people throw around

                        Don't think of it as buying a GBA for one game, think of all the other stuff they can enjoy. Warioware on the go... yum!


                          Originally posted by Ady
                          With all due respect; WTF!? How many lights do you need to see one little screen?

                          It sounds as though the fault is your eyesight and not the GBA's screen!
                          Well different people have different setups, and I can't be the only person in the world who prefers the room lights to be dim when playing?

                          Originally posted by Ady
                          As I said before, though I can't understand how anyone could make all this fuss about paying a little extra for a cable and a GBA (IF they don't already have one, that is), yet not bat an eyelid paying to get set up for online play.
                          I don't think it's a problem when the connectivity is well used (as in Four Swords and Pac Man). The fuss is about it being used when it doesn't need to be. People have complained about online features being tacked onto games when they are unneeded? Isn't it annoying to not have those extra tracks in Sambe de Amigo because you have to go online to get them?


                            Isn't it annoying to not have those extra tracks in Sambe de Amigo because you have to go online to get them?
                            No, 'cos I went online and got 'em. Just deal with it, there are things that take advantage of one thing or another. If you don't have them then that's your problem really. You can always play something else


                              Originally posted by Commander Marklar
                              You can always play something else
                              Well of course, and this can be used to counter any criticism of any game ever, so perhaps it's best to never criticize games?


                                Play Pacman vs. if you aren't completely convinced of its potential.

                                I don't think GBA-GC link up is a gimmick at all. They're (Nintendo)certainly not making money from games that require you to have all sort of cables and GameBoys: Jonny Customer simply won't bother buying them because of this. Infact, ironically, in trying to open up new ways of gameplay for more people, they're simply making products that are enjoyed mostly by us, the hardcore.

                                They've introduced a synergy between two excellent products and it encourages innovation (mostly from themselves). Surely that's a good thing? I only wish more games implemented link up further than just Zelda: The Wind Waker and Crystal Chronicals.

                                I don't think Nintendo could care less whether you can afford a GBA or not, that's obvious enough from Zelda: Four Swords +. If you enjoy playing games, you have a GBA already surely?

