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Initial D: Arcade Stage

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    --------------------------------SPOLIER-------------------------------------------Anyone managed to beat Bunta on Happogahara. After the first four you are challenged by Tak. Beat Tak to finish the Happogahara area, and then you get a free play againest Bunta, **** me its impossible



      hope no one minds me bring up a topic dead for 2 weeks.
      how's everyone progressing?

      I've changed car and previously I spent 15quid trying to beat takumi once and now he cant touch me and neither can Bunta now!!

      3'04'xxx for Akina Downhill now


      Midgetfista you talking about Akina or Happogahara?
      You don't play Bunta on Happo


        I've been unable to get to town over the past two weeks so I'm going to have to get down there on Sunday and stick in ?20.

        I fear if I don't, the machine will be gone by the summer - No-one but me is playing this game! It's insanity!!!!!!!!


          i've stuck in 40 in the last couple of days. i fear i am most definately addicted

          ps what do arcades do with their machines when they get rid of them? can individuals try to buy them?


            Anyone know any arcades in Leicester that has this game?

            I want to play it, but I haven't seen it anywhere


              oh yes- they jus got a pair of these down the road from me. No one seems to have played them as I was first to register on the leaderboard.

              Username: GOZ

              Car: Nissan 180SX Type X

              I'm one of only 39 people worldwide that has registered on the I-d site with this car. Compared to the thousands using the trueno.

              Is th trueno significantly better- the top 250 Japanese players on the world leaderboard all seem to use this one on MT. I may have to change if the difference is that marked.

              Incidentally- I was pleased to note I was second in the UK for my time on the first course. that was until I noted there were only four people who had registered (and my tuned time sucks as it was first go). So come on people- get registering those records...

     sells premium domain names to entrepreneurs, businesses, and nonprofits that want to dominate their online marketplaces and control great brands.

              (shove the code in your phone for when you get to a computer- that's what I do)


                Actually i tell a lie: looking at the top 50 world rankings for All courses it appears the RX-7 Type R[FD3S] is the top car. Maybe have to change over tomorrow then...

                50p per credit where i live


                  If you want to be good, you can only get away with the AE86 Trueno or RX-7. And always use stock "A class" settings because they start off slower, but the upgrades always end up better than the last ones you'll get with B or C.


                    Just to wet your appetite....


                      OMG!! Looks like 26th June is the release date.

                      Now, do I pick up a Steering Wheel just for this? I think it's got to be done hasn't it?

                      "Initiaaaal D!"


                        Despite the somewhat hefty price tag I'm planning to get the Logitech GT wheel specifically for this game as it's supposedly the best steering wheel out there.

                        If I don't beat Bunta before the PS2 version is released I'm gonna cry.


                          Originally posted by Burai
                          If you want to be good, you can only get away with the AE86 Trueno or RX-7. And always use stock "A class" settings because they start off slower, but the upgrades always end up better than the last ones you'll get with B or C.
                          which do peeps recommend out of the two? Trueno looks to be better on the easier single courses whilst RX-7 looks like it owns the total course when powered up to max? Thoughts pls.


                            I've personally only driven properly a Trueno and a Lan EvoVII so I'm not exactly an authority on FD's but here's what I seem to have gathered from watching plenty of FD drivers.

                            The 86 appears to have by far the most power in terms of acceleration and top speed, so on easier courses it would appear to have the edge. From the line, all other cars will have trouble outpacing the 86.

                            But this isn't all that significant since Initial D is filled with tight corners and your speed in the straights is going to be determined more by your performance when entering and exiting corners. This is where the core difference lies. The FD appears to be more of a grip car. It's tendancy is to understeer rather than oversteer which I believe to be the less demanding of the two driving styles on offer. The 86 is the opposite - almost every corner will involve some form of slide when driving an 86.

                            One would have a tendancy to suggest that the FD is the quicker car given the masses of fast RX-7 drivers out there, but I'm a bit sceptical about it: The success of a few FD drivers has led to the growing population of FDs out there. A couple FDs head up the official leaderboards so everyone assumes that's the car to drive, leading to even more FDs. No one really considers the others whereas I think you can be quick in whatever car you drive. If you're looking at becoming a world champion or something then I guess having an FD would make you more competitive but against your average Joe that you see in the arcade, I think any car which has a driver that is used to its handling would give a pretty good match. Go with what you fancy driving, I say. Just because you don't have an FD, doesn't mean you can't be quick. I have yet to see a slow Integra driver, for instance, although they are few and far between.

                            I'm having a month-long ID break until I go back to uni but I feel this urge to buy a less well known car and get to know it well. I must admit I am tired of the number of 'top end' cars about (FDs, Lans, Truenos - although Truenos seem quite rare in Goodge Street). I am intrigued by the different cars on offer - for instance I forgot that skylines have a sixth gear and did a double-take when I saw someone driving one. Thought about a MR-2 or Impreza but they're still pretty regular. Maybe a Sileighty or a Silvia or something like that. Mind, I also want to hold that Goodge Street Trueno record. So many things to do, so little cash....


                     News: ?
                              Initial D GT-Force Wheel On The Way
                              By: D. F. Smith April 3, 2003 11:40 AM PST
                              Sega's Game Jam Storm event later this week will see the debut of a special Initial D version of the GT-Force steering wheel, Logitech and Sega announced today. The wheel is functionally identical to the version released with Gran Turismo 3, but the presence of keen Initial D logos and whatnot makes it more cosmetically suited for playing the PS2 version of Sega Rosso's racer Initial D Special Stage. It will also include a special lap attachment, making it easier to hold between your knees.

                              Fans of the popular street-racing comic and animated series should thus take note. The wheel will be released in Japan on June


                                Are there any screens available of the PS2 version yet? I'm quite excited about this game.


