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Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (GC)

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    Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (GC)

    It Uses the Donkey Konga controller. Before you groan, know that it is NOT a music game but rather a 2d platformer, like DOnkey Kong Country. The drums and mic are used to control Donkey Kong. The right drum makes him move forward, tap it quickly to make him run. The left one makes him punch, and both together make him just. Clapping into the mic makes the camera zoom in (a la Viewtiful Joe) and then both drums become punchese (left is left, right is right.)
    It was really very fun to play, although I was admittedly giddy from being able to play anything tow days BEFORE E3. The concept is great , it's just a matter if the game can come up with enough elements to sustain the whole experience. Here are some pics of gameplay:


    I knew that Nintendo's surprise would be Donkey Kong Platformer and I KNEW the "peripheral" they spoke of would be the drums! Woo!


      Interesting - good to see Nintendo getting more use out of their drum.

      Wonder if it's playable on a pad though?


        Sounds cool, although not a total surprise.
        Donkey Konga already has that vine climbing game, similar to Mario Bros, so anybody who has played that mode before will have an idea of how it works.
        This game is obviously a bit more ambitous though and sounds good.



          Sounds and looks fantastic although i having trouble visualising playing a complete platform game just by using the drum controller.

          Hopefully Nintendo will work some kind of rythm play into it too.


            Fantastic. I wants.


              Sounds like the sort of thing Nintendo would come up with .

              Longetivity won't be a problem. You hands will fall off from hitting the drum before you get bored .

