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Armored Core Formula Front (PSP)

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    Armored Core Formula Front (PSP)

    Some of you may have seen the E3 Sony conference footage and noticed a few mechanical thingies. This is Armored Core Formula Front and more interestingly it is using the exact same graphical engine as in Nexus. Admittedly this could be Nexus, but my highly trained eye noticed an entirely new environment compared to any of the previous games. This could be veeeeery cool indeed.

    Moreover, From Software released a re-mastered version of Master of Arena for Vodafone Live, entitled Armored Core Mobile Mission.

    For those that are partially interested, feel free to check out my fecent Armored Core Nexus review too.

    When i saw this on the lineup for the PSP i had to take a second glance. Im really hoping for great things from this as i love the AC series and a portable (true to the series) game would be a dream. This along with many of the other games in the PSP lineup are making me thin that sony have really got a killer line up (VJ, GT, MGS ,DMC) im really worried Nintendo is going down this time although it looks like ill be getting both portables.


      Is Ken in it?


        Originally posted by Saurian
        Is Ken in it?

        Yes he's one of the shoulder mounted missile launcher parts.

        You can launch an entire salvo of 8 Kens simultaneously at your enemy. Each one does a homing hurricane kick before finishing with a flaming dragon punch.

        You can even select the colour of Ken you want to use



          The AC in the foreground is called "Oracle" in Nexus, the environment is new however.

