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Aww thanks you guys!

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    Aww thanks you guys!

    If this has been said already then lock me up quick!

    I wasn't around NTSC-UK last year for E3 and wanted to say how great this E3 2004 folder has been so far. Big love to everybody who has been providing the hook-up, I am thoroughly enjoying this event!

    Hows it compare to previous years?

    Great isn't it? I'm thoroughly enjoying all the E3 news this year and finding myself get ridiculously excited about loads of Ninty stuff. It's not healty for a grown man to get this excited over games - I keep emailing my girlfriend with more news despite the fact she's not interested...


      I can feel a group hug coming on


        It's lovely to feel part of the group. But seriously, no feeling me up you gaymos


          Originally posted by mattkbishop
          It's lovely to feel part of the group. But seriously, no feeling me up you gaymos
          C'mon, you know you want some...


            OK, High Fives and all that good stuff, but back to my question. Hows this years event comparing to previous E3s?


              *gives everyone a firm manly slap on the back*


                I think it's one of my best E3s so far, mostly due to a lot of the things we're being shown teetering happily close to release. We obviously saw Halo2, Silent Hill 4, Resident Evil 4, Half-Life2 etc last year but most had painfully distant release dates, now they're all right round the corner and providing nothing slips we have one hell of a lineup for the later part of this year.

                It's also been the first E3 in a while where new hardware was shown in the form of the DS and PSP. Both looking to be tempting machines with very individual and unique strengths, and we won't have to wait long for them either. It may be personal opinion but I hadn't seen a conference as energizing as Nintendos for quite some time, my dislike of the DS's current design was beaten back by the sheer ammount of features planned for it, then when I was pleased with all of this they revealed the new Zelda, then afterward hinted that the design of the DS was 'probably not finalized'.

                MS leaned heavily on Halo2 ( as is becoming their frequent habit these days ), but I enjoyed the new footage nonetheless. Sony talked a good fight but showed comparativly little and did even less to assuage my fears that the PSP will become a port haven. The Nintendo conference reminded me of my enthusiasm for gaming in the first place, and I found their 'car' analogy very shrewd ( perfectly summed up how people responded to the PSP, 'woah! This thing is so much more powerful than the DS!' ).

                Still lots of news to catch up on and lots of news still coming, so things are far from over yet, but I'm more than satisfied so far.


                  Originally posted by Garibaldi Biscuit
                  I found their 'car' analogy very shrewd
                  I missed this, care to elaborate...?



                    Basically they compared people browsing new systems to be similar to those in the market for a new car. In that some folk will look at a car and say 'alright, how fast does it go? What's the litre? What's the 0-60?' and those are the kind of people that would be most interested in a device like, say, the PSP. Whereas others sit behind the wheel of a car and think 'where can this take me?' rather than obsessing over specs and speeds, and it is those kinds of people who Nintendo was targeting with the DS.


                      Twas a good E3 but not as memorable for me as 2002 where I cottoned on to another Gaming Boards discovery of the Nintendo E3 site days before the event, and managed to crack the links to various unseen screens and new announcements and posted them on here! Woo!


                        Yeah I have been hugely moved by this years events as well,MGS3 MGSA,the NINTENDO DS!!(beautiful),Biohazard 4,and so so much more.High fives and group hugs all round.I have to come to the next meetup.


                          Originally posted by Nintendomad
                          I have to come to the next meetup.
                          Let's not get carried away here, dunno if you want to be seen out in daylight with these geeks.


                            I know its not over yet, but E3 this years has been something to write home about. There's been some belting titles announced.

                            I couldn't have picked a better week to be off ill. I haven't been bored once !

                            I may have to book it off work next year to do it all over again ( or be conveniently ill )

                            Mind you, having broadband has helped cos I can sit here an download all the trialers etc to my hearts content.

                            I bet my ISP's going nutty !


                              This year beats last year hands down in my opinion. I think the next one will be even better as well with PS3, N5 and X-Box Next strong possabilities. This year for me Zelda and Ridge Racer on PSP i can't say how much i have longed for a new Ridge Racer. MGS3 looks ace as always and things like DS n PSP well Glad u enjoyed the coverage as much as me. Now wheres Segas announcement that wud really make my day if it's a good one? I fear the tidal wave of new games that i want to buy that have been here, i still ain't could up wiv back cat.

