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Is EA the Mcdonalds of gaming?

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    Originally posted by Inertia_
    Not that I'm one to leap blindly to EA's defence, but are you seriously trying to suggest that the above titles have been made 'without care or attention'. Or should you maybe refine your statement to encompass the EA Sports brand alone? Or are you referring purely to EA's achievements as a development studio rather than a publishing house?
    Not really, I was just making a generalisation to show Gossi where people might be coming from with the McDonalds - EA comparison. I haven't played any of the games you mentioned.


      First: Jesus f'ing Christ. EA didn't make half those games. They published them. Thanks for doing that, EA, but with their quality any other publisher would've snapped up the likes of BF1942 anyway... I don't understand people citing those games as 'EA made'.

      Secondly: Page 3: concept and ady make the best points of the entire topic.
      As much as I don't like to jump on the EA bashing bandwagon, I hate to see people bashing those who do, because, tbh they have a point.

      OK, EA have published rather than made some of their most successful titles, but I think even the 'hardcore' attitude would give them a break if they went and decided to publish, I dunno, Animal Crossing in the UK. Crude example, but well, I'm tired.

      Finally, I think the music industry comparisson is far more apt than the McD one... and with the EA bashing - you don't go and tell Phil Jupitus or Johnny Rotten they're dicks for bashing pop music for being manufactured (popular) crap, and similarly you don't label gamers 'elite snobs' for saying the same about EA.

      Final, final, final thing... Everything or Nothing. Now, I don't usually get so het up about games, but here, IGN, Gaming-Age every motherf*cker is singing its praises and it's such a **** game. I mean, come on, is it everyone trying to convince themselves they haven't just wasted forty quid or what? OK, maybe I'm being a bit too harsh, it's not terrible... but it's nowhere near as great as everyone says - even 'elite snobs' 'EA haters' and 'hardcore gamers' have sung its praises and I can't for the life of me see why.
      And then I hear about the EA guy bragging about snagging the production manager from Thunderball to work on GoldenEye 2, and I just can't understand why they don't spend all the money on hiring Shigeru Miyamoto or someone instead of wasting it on non-game related segments like frontend, FMV, voice acting, and er, directors of photography.

      Phew. Rant over.



