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Games you wish you could play again for the first time

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    Another World (Amiga).

    I fair messed my pantaloons when I first loaded this up (bzz-whirr-whirr) and couldn't believe you could get such a quality, lengthy intro onto a single, low-density disc. I used to load it up and not play the game just to watch the intro...

    And then when it dumped you into the game and you realised the rest of it was of the same style and calibre of presentation. Woof. Money shot time...

    I loved that game dearly. I still do.



      Originally posted by AllYourBase
      I would play Outrun hydraulic at Uncle ronnies, Huddersfield... brand new cab, not knackered like ones you may still find at the seaside.... splash wave or magical sound shower, it don't matter.... i would be 11 and the year 1987 and then go to mcdonalds afterwards and actually enjoy it!
      I'm totally with you on that one. I remember one summer a long time ago when crash magazine did an essential arcade magazine, i think it had Gradius III on the front. I remember reading about Out Run and seeing the pictures, i was so excited about playing it, so when i got to the seaside i was really pleased to find a brand new hydrolics cabinet of it. Playing that was totally awesome. 8)


        Shenmue without a doubt. A true work of "ART".


          Last Ninja 2. I remember playing it at a friend's house years ago, and there and then being sold the C64.

          Wouldn't mind playing it again with my eyes fresh.


            Halo, as then I would start the game on heroic rather than normal, the game is transformed.


              Sorry to dig up a long buried thread...

              Two games.


              There was a lot of hype about this game, but I didn't read any of it, and I didn't care to. I got the game for PC, and didn't know anything about it. I didn't even know what type of game it was, only that good things were said about it. So I decided to try it for myself. The first half hour of it, I died to the scorpion boss and didn't think much of it. But once I started playing it proper, it enthralled me and never let go. It was so wonderfully polished, and the plot was gripping enough that I always was left wondering what happened next. The game then dominated my thoughts when I wasn't playing it, and soon it entered my dreams too. When I finally beat the monster game I was awed by the conclusion, and the game continued to stay in my mind for months.

              This was the game that got me back into console gaming, and I bought a PSX just to sample Square's other works of art. Others have said it already... I too lived and breathed FFVII, and was most sad to see it end. I hope they remake the game some day so I can experience it again updated.

              Chrono Trigger:

              I played this one after FFVII, and it did the same thing! Right from the beginning I was grabbed by it (rescued Marle in 600AD). Square became my favorite company from that point, and I went and bought every Square game on PS1, some of which I still haven't played even to this day. But I don't regret buying them.


                It's got to be Monster Attack for me. Being a fan of Japanese monster movies and the like, this game was like a dream come true for me. sure, I'd played various giant monster games and such, but a game where you're in the middle of a city as it's being demolished by some giant Godzilla-esque thing was something else entirely. I was in the crowd along with all those fleeing citizens, watching huge insects swarm over everything in sight, massive motherships hovering overhead, and titanic robots marching through the streets. It was brilliant.
                There were a fair few stand-out moments too, like:
                Standing a few feet away from that Godzilla-like creature as it incinerates a crowd of screaming bystanders - and then it turns its' attention to me...
                Watching a few small specks in the distance turn into a horde of monsters scuttling toward me.
                Blasting flying saucers out of the sky with a shotgun - with a very satisfying 'clang' noise.
                destroying one of the giant robots - and as it topples to the ground and goes up in flames, two others march out of the smoke.
                Going toe-to-toe with the giant monster, driving the bike underneath it and rushing to the other end of the city. Then watching buildings topple as it comes after me.
                Destroying the massive 'Independance Day'-style mothership with a sniper rifle.
                Ancitcipating the next mission - what new threat will the game throw at me? How many giant ants, robots and UFOs will I have to fight at the same time?
                At the time, this was one of the few games that when I wasn't playing it, I couldn't wait to get back to it. I didn't even bother saving my progress because I enjoyed playing the first few levels so much. Not to mention I wanted the game to last.
                I'd love to play that one again...



                  More than the sum of its parts. It was all so new for me, as the Super Nintendo was my first real console. The platform bits were great, and the world bits were, for a new gamer , a great way of introducing people to RPG /sim style games. I can remember so many details, like the first time I saw the mode -7 -zooming -in -thing to the town to play the platform segments, the little tragedies that happened to the townfolk, and the incredible music. Its simplicity is a drawback for replays though!

                  NOT MARIO 64 though!

                  Thank god my fist impression of this game was wrong, I can clearly remember entering world one and not even being able to make it as far as the bridge that leads up to the chain chomper...I was almost vomiing due to the motion sickness. It was the first 3d game I?d played, was totally unused to it all.
                  Of course, picking it up casually months later with a friend who had played through it all made me see what I had been missing!


                    the first Halo

                    I remember being speechless at its scale

                    breathtaking stuff that


                      Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater... playing through this story again not knowing the fate of the characters would be fantastic. I was totally gripped from start to finish and would love to be mesmerised by its detail again.

                      Far Cry... Best thing I had ever seen running on a PC and an instant love affair with it was born. some fo the most gorgeous visuals and amazing AI ever committed to a game.... beautiful stuff!!

                      Soul Blade (PSOne)... the intro for this got me shouting and screaming nearly everytime. Fantastic intro to each character with a brilliant soundtrack playing. The game itself was the first real beat-em-up I got messed up over. Li Long and Mitsirugi got played to death.
                      Last edited by Mardigan8; 03-05-2005, 11:34.

