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Getting hold of Goblin Games?

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    Getting hold of Goblin Games?

    I ordered a US version of Tiger Woods on the xbox 4 weeks ago. The website showed the game being in stock but I phoned them two weeks after placing my order and I was told it was out of stock but they would have it the following week. I've been phoning all week but they don't seem to answer the phone or reply to emails. Anybody experience similar problems???

    Yeah. From experience if they've not got it in stock and the game has been released for a while, then there's very little chance of them ever getting it in.

    I waited a good while for them to get me a copy of Moto GP, but it never materialised and I realised that it never would and they were just holding onto my money for the interest and fobbing me off with excuses about "supplier problems".

    Save yourself time and get yourself a refund and try to get it elsewhere is my advice.


      Ill try and find out for you m8 and get back to you asap.


        They're good guys at Goblin. I'm sure they will help you out. If they can't get it for you and you still want it, let me know as we have it.


          I had a word with GG for you, but it seems they are still trying to get it from their supplier for you so I cant say exactly when it will be in stock. If you didnt want to wait then you can ask for a refund without a problem, but GG said they will chase it again for you in the meantime. I also beleive they have emailed you about this.


            Thanks for the advice and help guys. Cheers for chasing that up Marcus much appreciated.

            Decided to cancel my order using the website and will also phone Goblin Games to confirm the order has been cancelled.

