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How Import Friendly is Soul Calibur 2?

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    How Import Friendly is Soul Calibur 2?

    I have a modified Q at home and I'm debating if I should pick up Soul Calibur 2 or not. Also in the same vain how import friendly is PN.03 I can't speak or undertsand Japanese worth a damn?


    Very import friendly

    All the menus are in English.

    Also, the point of any fighting game is to get good at it, and SC2 has visual demos of all moves in training mode- so learning the moves is simply universal regardless of language.

    Only slight problem you might have is with the Weapons master/Quest mode, but to be honest, its pretty easy to work out everything.

    As for PN03- its very import friendly too- everything is pretty much self-exaplanatory.


      Cool I noticed you guys have much better knowledge of the import scene at NTSC than at Gamefaqs or Gamers or any of those US places. I asked the same question at Gamefaqs and was completely ignored.


        All menus are completely in english but download the master/quest mode walkthrough at to find translations for some of the matches.

        In general its an importers dream only some of the matches that have strict guidelines in the quest arent always clear what you have to do. Get that walkthrough and its a simple process.

        Great game as well on all platforms.

