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Ok my mate is having XBOX US PSO problems....HELP

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    Ok my mate is having XBOX US PSO problems....HELP

    My mate just got PSO today and well i should have it very soon as well. BEfore i explain the prolem ill just say that we both live in the UK and have US xbox's and games etc. So obviously we have the US version of pso. My mate told me that he could he went on options and purchase hunters licence, and then he goes on "yes" to go to the hunters licence. it then connects to xbox live and a split second later it gives the following error message:

    "error no. 406 cannot continue due to an unexpected error, press A to restart game"

    He cannot seem to connect to the servers or geting worried about this and i have no clue what to do when i get my copy.......please help!

    I'm sure someone else can verify this, but I heard that if your XBL billing region is UK, then the US version won't work or something.


      Is there anyway to change it? From UK to USA


        hi riko ninja,

        yes i can confirm this problem. i also had my PSO today and have similar problem. buying a hunter's license in options menu and i get an erro No. 406.

        if my billing region is say UK and US PSO only accepts US billing, would it be possible to make it into US and make PSO work online?

        i can't believe all these restrictions on this game. some people said that you cant even transfer from one ship to another(ie. US to Jap or US to EU).

        i don't think you can change your billing info in your xblive dashboard. you would have to set up a new account in order to do this, bah!


          official response from Ms:

          Thank you for writing to Xbox.

          Regarding your inquiry about your PSO error, Phantasy Star Online bills for the Hunter's License using the credit card information you provided when you signed up for Xbox Live. If the credit card you signed up with was not local to your region, you will not be able to purchase the Hunter's License. Please update your Xbox Live account with a credit card from your region.
          damn these people.


            That makes no sense, as most of us surely did sign up with UK credit cards? (I know I did) I'm even more confused now.


              GAH, After all these delays, finally got it today and this.

              I knew the US And JPN server where blocked from each other, becaues of language problems with the voice and also think security reason, cheats, etc.

              Back on to the topic though,

              Is there a chance that once the PAL servers are up, the Billing would work? Or is the only way buying another Xbox Live Kit and selecting US Billing instead?


                or how about we get this ****ing piece of **** working NOW!!!!!!


                  this is ****e you know. getting a new live kit is expensive. but it could also be the excuse i am looking for to get a new account. for a price though.


                    Oh dear, my sympathies to all concerned. Xbox PSO had the potential to be the best version yet but instead it's turned into something of a waste of time, what with this completely idiotic decision to limit players to their own XBL region, which misses the entire ****ing point of the idea behind the game by the widest margin possible.

                    Morons. Utter morons.

                    Hope you guys are able to sort something out soon. Good luck!


                      i agree mate.

                      got the thing working though, but had to make a new account with US billing info. been wanting to get a new account anyway. hope you guys can figure out what to do.



                        im screwed. Why did they make the friggib xbl thing so u cant change ur country......what if you (like someone i know) were going to move to another country, Infact this guy is moving to the US. WHat gives?


                          im not sure but wont the UK and EU servers be complatible ( i mean once the EU ones are up) the only reason the JP ones arent is becuase of language barriers and possible cheating on that version ? i dunno but surely the UK and EU wont be separated...better not be like the sega games. They suck i bough NHL2k3 to find i could play any of my mates int eh UK becuase it only lets me play witb US, becuase they made the versions of the game different. I


                            Perhaps you could lie Riko and tell them you're in/work for and live next to a US Air Force base.

                            As such even though you are in the uk, the base is classed as a part of the usa.

                            Maybe an evil plan such as this would work, failing that threaten Bill with a class action suit for mis-selling of the xbox live product


                              um i dunno ezg, sounds dodgy (by the way what r u doing on here ) i wanna play it online...waaaaa. This is a load of steaming you know what. I still cant uderstand why u cant change ur country....people do move to other countries you know, they'd be screwed as well!

