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Joytech AV Control Center + Q RGB

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    Joytech AV Control Center + Q RGB

    When I use my Lan-Kwei modded RGB cable of the Q on the Joytech AV Control center the image is all shaky and scrambled (also in s-video mode). When I unplug the digital port the image is ok on both SCART (composite) and s-video.
    How can I solve this?

    My SNES (RGB), N64 (s-video) and NES (composite) all work fine with the AV Control Center...

    What's it look like when plugged directly to the TV?


      The modded RGB cable you mean?
      It looks fine when it's plugged in directly.


        I use a modded GC RGB cable (saurian made) and it works perfectly via the joyatch av control centre.


          Weird man...
          Doesn't Saurian know the answer?

          I plugged it in the switch box of my other (tv) SCART socket (luckily both support RGB). So my Joytech will have to settle with only the Q's s-video unfortunately...


            Originally posted by Rushy
            I use a modded GC RGB cable (saurian made) and it works perfectly via the joyatch av control centre.
            I'm afraid the same here. I've got the above plus Xbox, PS2 and DC all outputting RGB from Joytech AV control centre.


              One possible explanation, the AV Center doesn't work very well with composite sync instead of composite video.

              The modded GameCube/Q RGB lead can use either composite video or have horizontal and vertical sync attached to the same line instead. You may have that.

              My Cube RGB cable is wired that way, and I'm unable to use the Cube or my Dreamcast (Composite sync also) with the Joytech AV Center.


                Have you tried swapping where it plugs in?


                  Swapping where it plugs in?
                  How do you mean that? An other channel/connection on the AV Control Center?

                  @Papercut: How can you see the difference between the Composite video version and the horizontal and vertical sync version?
                  Last edited by Shadow_Zero; 18-10-2004, 18:31.


                    Originally posted by Shadow_Zero
                    Swapping where it plugs in?
                    How do you mean that? An other channel/connection on the AV Control Center?
                    Yes, another input.


                      I could try that, but I know it scrambled all the other channels as well.
                      I do realize something now. When I plugged in the the composite video plug in the socket next to the s-video (of my tv), the image of the s-video channel got scrambled too.

                      So I don't fully understand Papercuts explenation, but it sounds like it's that.


                        Originally posted by Shadow_Zero
                        @Papercut: How can you see the difference between the Composite video version and the horizontal and vertical sync version?
                        switch your TV from RGB video to composite video.

                        If it uses composite video you should see a picture, if it uses composite sync you will only see an outline.


                          I can't switch my TV from RGB to composite. Or do you mean to unplug the digital cable from the Q which makes the composite cable left...?


                            No, I meant switch your TV to composite using the same connection from the Q.

                            Perhaps you have a composite only scart socket? You could try switching to that.

                            Another thing to consider - don't switch around ntsc Cube RGB cables with the Cube turned on, as they occasionally blow their audio pre amps.


                              Both my tv SCARTs support RGB, but I can't manually switch from RGB to composite. If it's getting a RGB signal it will it will do RGB, if it's getting a composite signal then it does composite. Like I said, I can't switch that manually.

                              But if I unplug the digital cable the tv will show a composite image (although later when I tried I had a blank screen if I recall correctly).

                              I don't know if my Lan-Kwei Q RGB cable is a NTSC or PAL cable, but I did unplug and plug it a few times when the machine was on. So that's a big no no?

