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Okay, so convince me to chip my XBox....

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    Okay, so convince me to chip my XBox....

    Charlesr (from this site) said there were plenty of good reasons to chip my XBox.

    In the past I haven't been intersted in doing that, but a few jaunts around the internet came up with a couple of neat chips, and such, that made me think twice. However, I still have questions....and since you folks are on top of the game, why not ask the pros.

    First thing, info about my situation - which might curve your response to this post.

    (1) - I'm in America, so the whole TV / RGB / step down / converter / issues are nil. All those ducks are in a row.

    (2) - I have XBox Live and I'm not looking to loose that account if Microsoft discovers my console is chipped and I get "booted / banned".

    (3) - Will I still be able to play US games, or will chippin' my 'Box make it an import only system. And don't be afraid to note if problems COULD pop up.

    And lastly, I have friends who have gone the mod route, but later down the road (a year, or so) had to upgrade to keep up with technology, new chips, new codes on software disks, et. I have no idea if XBox 2 will be backwards compatible (like the PS2), but I'd hate to be stuck with a chipped XBox that doesn't jive with anything new coming up.

    So there ya' go. Ease my fears and suspicions and sleep with a guilt free conscience that you helped Jet Black with his XBox in sunny California.

    And yes, I read the "sticky FAQ" - there's nothing in there for me.

    And yes, I know being in America means I already have US games at my disposal......but that doesn't cover the Japanese titles that I want to play....boku wa nihon no gamu to nihongo o dekimasu kara.

    Wakarima****a ka?, who can help me out? All advice taken.

    Plus, I am rather "handy' with tools and such, so let it rip! Convince me to chip the ole 'Box. (which I admit, I don't have a huge library for the console, so I'm not losing much......not like my import PS2 games! But I have Japanese PS2 just for that).

    Okay, nuff said.....ja ne.

    Putting random Japanese in your posts is seriously gay (and I study the language full time at university).

    Check this website out, find out just what you can do with a chipped system. Just switch the chip off before connecting to Xbox Live and you won't get banned.

    Good luck.


      Sounds like you couldn't really give a ****, so I certainly ain't gonna bother...

      ...why did I even post


        Final Burn


          I guess this is the "all advice taken" that I asked for. Haha!

          "random" Japanese is gay? If you say so. I was just being funny / silly. Trying to speak in unique and fun ways on a forum (which is a discussion using words and such) is "gay"? I guess it would sting even more if I were a homosexual. (Jet thinks aloud....."I wonder what gay people think of that term?" ) Hmmm....I guess it would sting even worse if, lord forbid, I was actually Japanese! Haha! (which for all you know I might be)

          It's not like the entire post was in Japanese. I stated all my points in English, made it clear, then for fun tossed in some nihongo, after all the issues had been made. A bad thing? Gay? I guess I'll just talk and walk lock-step from here on, sorry about that. Should I drop in random UK English as well? haha! Just having fun, sport. Really, I am. We're talking about video games here.

          Thanks for the link and tip, I'll check it out. I appreciate your effort.
          (and for the record, I'm also taking Japanese in college)

          On the other hand......

          "Sounds like you couldn't really give a ****, so I certainly ain't gonna bother..."

          Well, I kinda hoped I did give a "****", since I asked the question. I humbly admit to needing help, and thought of asking you folks ("the pros")....I'm starting to wonder if I should wait until I'm less a newbie around here.


            Oh...didn't see you there, Marcus

            Final Burn

            I'll do a search for that online, because I admit ignorance. I haven't a clue to what that is. But combined with the link from Cmd. Marklar I'll figure it out. I'm a big boy.

            Thanks for the arrows in the right direction.

            It's weird, in the states, importing is so down played, it's nice to see it up front and in the open - as on this site.


              We get screwed big time with PAL releases of games. They are often 4-6 months after the Japanese release, with slower play and borders since they can't be arsed converting the video format properly from NTSC to PAL. Importing is a great thing here in the UK.


                Ok firstly as long as you get a switch installed with your chip you will be fine to continue using Xbox live, provided you remember to turn it off without fail! One mess up could cause you your account or an xbox.

                Secondly chipping your Xbox will allow it to play imports backups and originals from where you live, so yes you will still be able to play your US games.

                Thirdly the newest wave of chips allow them to be upgrading by flashing the bios, this allows you to keep up to date with latest advancements in the scene.

                The best chip out now is the Xecuter 2 chip, more details of it can be found on

                Why should you do it?
                Emulators are always cool.
                Bigger hard drive
                Store games and movies on your hard drive and just run em straight off
                Multi Regional DVD without need for controller
                And many more....

                Like I said more info can be found at xbox-scene but hope I helped.

                And dont be put off by this thread, mostly everyone here is friendly regardless of your post count/status.


                  Hey thanks guys!

                  I just started reading and I can't believe all the content I've been missing. I'm now pretty interested in considering this alternative. Why not?

                  In fact, there is so much stuff at that it's gonna take me a bit to gleam all the content (or the parts I'm interested in).

                  Also, thanks for the assurance pro / con of chipping (from your perspective). Interesting note about making sure to flip that switch (without fail). Haha! XBox Live first year is kinda cheap, but who knows what Mr. Bill will charge once the grace period is over. I'd hate to lose my account for not flippin' the switch. Win some, lose some.

                  Well, I'm off to go read more

                  And yeah, Greng, I hear what you're saying. I understand the frustration you folks must go through in Europe. Dealing with games that have been talked about online months ago....and often bad ports, to boot. You have my sympathy. On the other hand, I'm dealing with the same thing over here......since I've very eager to grab those Japanese games (especially the ones that never see our shores like: Boku no Natsuyasumi series "My Summer Vacation", and Tomak save the Earth - which was actually ported from Korea, so I waited extra long to get my paws on that one!)

                  But waiting for games does suck donkey, I agree. The only games I had the pleasure of playing that were actually released in Europe first, or at the same time, was Batman Vengence (nice seeing a REAL language option), and the kart racer, Speed Punks (changed to Speed Freaks over here....don't ask me why?) So yeah, it is wacky and all screwed up, you're balance, yet the Europe market is freakin' huge!

                  I just don't get it.

                  Cheers, mate!

                  (Oops, didn't mean to toss in random UK language in there! - Hah!)


                    Basically a chip allows you to :-

                    1. Hack the DVD region protection (DVDX2 software)

                    2. Play any movie/audio files on your xbox either on CD/DVD or stream over network from PC (Xbox Media Player)

                    3. Use trainers/cheats/gamesaves for games unlocking stuff

                    4. Play practically every old games system on your tv using emulators including : Snes, Megadrive/Genesis, Pc Engine/Turbo Grafx, Commodore 64, Spectrum, Atari ST, Atari VCS, Sega Master system, Gameboy/Color/Advance, NES, Amiga etc... including Arcade games using the superb MAME or Final Burn.

                    5. Play some PC games on your xbox such as Quake2, Duke Nukem, Doom.

                    6. Play any import games.

