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Why is the screen too small 4 the game on 60Hz?

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    Why is the screen too small 4 the game on 60Hz?

    OK, I have a 14" Bush 1478TSIL (the small silver one) and I recently bought an RGB cable so that I could play my GC in 60Hz. But whenever I do, the gameplay screen is about 120% bigger than the actual TV screen, meaning that a few centimetres are cut off all the sides of the screen. I can barely read the writing in RE and the charge bars are can't be seen on CvsS2 because they are 'off the screen' so to speak. This doesn't happen on 50Hz mode though...

    Is there a way around this? I really want to play my games in 60Hz while seeing the whole screen and not most of it. Anyone else had the same problem?

    Any help would be appreciated. Avforums don't seem to have a clue...

    I screwed up just read below -_-...


      Originally posted by shuurajou
      This is probably a problem with the TV; it's common that the picture is off a little bit in 60hz mode in alot of TV's. Although, alot of games will actually have options in to adjust the screen so it will fit your TV properly. Only thing I can think of that might help you out, is adjusting things in the actual GC startup options.


        It seems to depend upon the TV. I have a 21inch Sony that cuts off a fair bit of the screen. I don't really notice it that much until I use it on another tv and it seems that the on screen elements have a lot more room.

        As for adjusting the screen in the GC startup - I think you can only change the position and not the size. This can help some games if it's just the bottom or top cut off.

        The only game you can change the actual dimensions of the screen is Metroid Prime I believe.


          You could try to find out how to get into the service menu on your telly and adjust the overscan?


            Originally posted by Olitron
            I have a 14" Bush
            Im saying nothing.....


              Cheapo TVs often overscan the picture. 50hz games are often badly optimised and have large borders meaning the picture is vertically squashed - that is why you can see the whole pic on 50hz games. 60hz games use the whole screen so stuff will be chopped off on some TVs. The game itself might have a centering option though like in WE6FE so check it out.

