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DVD Box Office

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    Had to wait 8 weeks as well for my Viewtiful Joe, stopped using them a long time ago. They must be losing quite alot of customers as i recieved a postcard from them pleading for me to come back LOL!!.


      I never had any problems ordering from them before. i probably ordered 6 or 7 times before all those packages went missing. I think they will lose a lot of custom over it anyway.


        the replacement midway arcade treasures has arrived

        so i now have all that i've purchased from dvdbo

        would like to use them again - but its too much hassle trying to get stuff from them


          I've never used dvdboxoffice but I'm thinking of pre-ordering an xbox360 with them... has anyone else done so? Would they mark down the package do you think? They'll send it out with DHL, so I can't imagine it being lost. Thoughts, anybody?


            Damn, is dvdboxoffice not popular or something? People, tell me if I'm asking for trouble if I'm gonna order a console off of them....


              I used to use them a fair bit a few years ago, and thought they were okay - a bit slow and usually out of stock for a lot of stuff, but never had any real problems with them.

              I've no idea what they're like now, but I don't think I'd trust them to come up trumps with a 360 for the launch date if that's the plan.


                I used them once to order a pretty large amount of DVD's (18 CCS DVD's plus 3 box sets).

                They were certainly the most awkward company I've dealth with, insisting on verifying my card by faxing a recent pay slip (which meant I had to find someone who owned a fax machine), took a week or two to get all that sorted. A few weeks later, the discs started to appear... all individually, and I had to pay customs on the 3 box sets.

                All items arrived mind, but I'd not use them to issue a large/expensive order unless I had no choice.


                  This thread just reminded me I ordered a game from them a month ago that has still not shipped. Cue an annoyed email cancelling the order and a reassessment of my straying finances.


                    never used these as heard of lot of problems people have had with them

                    for games you cant beat tronix for service but they dont have a big range of games though


                      just awful - best not to bother

                      had some problems with them when i ordered stuff a while ago

                      havent used and will never use them again


                        They used to be decent a couple of years back, but like most places, they get popular, they struggle to cope with demand and the standards drop. Go with VG+, they seem to cope well despite alot of us here ordering from them frequently.


                          Originally posted by mr_sockochris
                          They used to be decent a couple of years back, but like most places, they get popular, they struggle to cope with demand and the standards drop. Go with VG+, they seem to cope well despite alot of us here ordering from them frequently.
                          Hmm.. the problem is VG+ aren't taking any more pre-orders for the 360. Ah well, I'll just have to wait and see what happens on the 22nd and if VG+ will put up any more.

