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Some VF4 Evo Questions

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    Some VF4 Evo Questions

    As I'm not literate in Japanease, si I wanted to ask some questions relating to the Quest Mode.

    1. When your at one of the fighting arenas, you have 4 options. The top one is where you fight through a select amount of opponents and the bottom one is a tournament. What are the middle two?

    2. Sometimes, some other characters have weird pictures under their name and when you defeat them, that graphic comes to you. What is it?

    3. How do you tell your "Dan" level.



    1. The first option is play in the arcade. Just keep on fighting all on-comers. Also within the first option there is a main quest to unlock, which will grant you access to the tournament.

    The second option is select which quest you want to part-take in.

    The third option is stats of players in the arcade, and your % of people within this arcade you have beaten.

    The fourth is to take part in the tournament, after unlocking the main task.

    2. Thats just for collection purposes. In one of the later arcades main quest you need to collect 10 VF emblems.

    3. *edit* look for Robin's explanation of the ranking. I got it totally wrong


      Kyus go from tenth kyu down to first. Then you get to 1st dan and work your way up to tenth. It's underneath your name, the two kanji. The second kanji is either kyu (級) or dan (段), the first is the number in kanji. From 1 to 10, the kanji go 一, 二, 三, 四, 五, 六, 七, 八, 九 and 十. Past 十段 you get into the named ranks which are more difficult to translate, probably best to look at a faq.

